For the Environment. For the People.


HPC would like to thank you for the good and trustful cooperation and wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!
Recently, our colleague Emmanuel de Nanteuil (President of HPC Envirotec in France) answered the questions of the French TV channel BFMTV. Watch Interview
For the first time in 2021, the EU Taxonomy Regulation required affected companies to prepare and publish sustainability reports, thus demonstrating the extent to which the companies are taking measures to achieve the EU’s environmental goals. Following the publication of the “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD”, starting from January 2024, an increasing number of […]
The SFSE (Society for Health & Environment of all French-speaking countries) published the new PFAS management guideline in 14 topic sheets on its website (23 Nov. 2023). HPC INTERNATIONAL is represented by co-authors: Dr. Frank Karg, Lucie Robin-Vigneron und Stéphanie Le Bonniec.
Site development companies and real estate companies increasingly need a good ESG ranking for their construction projects. The colleagues at HPC INTERNATIONAL can issue the necessary brownfield certificates so that these can be claimed as ESG-effective in the context of land recycling. They are now recognized as part of the DEBV "Pro-Brownfield Program" of the German Brownfield Association.
The Millennium Challenge Foundation (MCC) of the US-Congress and it’s Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) the implementing entity of the $49 million Threshold Agreement between Kosovo and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), has launched the 12th of November 2019 in Pristina a $ 20.6 Million ‘Project: SEEK – Subsidies for Energy Efficiency in Kosovo. The project […]
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The Schöningen open pit mine is a special place: As if under a microscope, the past and the future are revealed here, from the Paleolithic era to the inner-German border to HPC’s solutions for post-mining landscapes.

Previously used sections of land conceal the risk of contamination and liabilities. We take this into account with land transactions and investment projects. Important factors are Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) and Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) Phase I/II. We will estimate your investment risks and investment constraints.

Hazardous building substances according to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances are probably found in every building constructed in the twentieth century. Unknown hazardous substances can have a lasting effect and become a health hazard for the user due to their emission potential. Air in a room can be contaminated with formaldehyde. Unqualified handling of hazardous substances during demolition or renovation can lead to the release of asbestos fibres. Unknown hazardous building materials can lead to accidents and recourse claims. We want to protect you against such high consequential costs.

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In our modern world, buildings are made of concrete, steel, wood or other materials. These buildings are part of our quality of life. We support you in your construction projects.

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Hazardous building waste resulting from demolition or disasters is a hazard and an unacceptable risk for users and third parties. They drive up costs and delay deadlines. There is a need for remediation here. We will perform an interdisciplinary investigation of the design requirements preceding demolition. Structural connections with neighbouring buildings, shared walls, the need to secure neighbouring buildings by underpinning. We will support you in recognising and eliminating dangers from the outset.

Hazardous building substances according to the definition of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances are probably found in every building constructed in the twentieth century. This does not necessarily require dismantling. For existing substances such as non-friable asbestos products and carcinogenic mineral fibres, so-called old artificial mineral fibres (AMF), provisions can be made to protect the existing conditions. The need for a selective dismantling of hazardous building materials arises during demolition and renovations, after accidents caused by improper asbestos handling or in the case of an unacceptable risk to users or third parties. We will support you in assessing the dismantling requirements.

Technical and industrial progress during the last decade have often come at a high cost: the results of improper handling of chemicals and waste have resulted in contaminated sites. The lack of planning for safety equipment and work flows still poses a threat to our soil. With our comprehensive knowledge, we can manage these risks.

Our goal is sustainable protection of the atmosphere, water, soils and organisms. Climate protection and careful handling of resources make for a liveable environment. Legal requirements are the minimum for operational environmental protection. Forward-looking environmental concepts offer you potential savings and competitive advantages. We will plan and optimise individual environmental protection concepts for your business and support you during implementation.

Old industrial installations, dormant commercial and industrial sites, residential high rises from the 1960s and office buildings from the early 1970’s, which are no longer adequate for meeting today´s demands. First and foremost, our task is to compile lists of hazardous building substances and contaminants used in the construction. Consequentially we will design a progressive and appropriate process in dealing with hazardous building materials. At the same time, we will plan the dismantling and demolition while respecting industrial safety and emission control requirements: from the dismantling and demolition concept to licensing and execution planning right through to obtaining the necessary permits. For the tender of the designed measures we will prepare an agenda of services and support to the client throughout the allocation process with a team of specialists. We will manage waste disposal and tend to the organisational challenges of management and supervision of the dismantling and demolition work. These services are provided as a fixed price from a general contractor.

A detailed plan is necessary before implementing the actions to be taken. An approval plan is essential for the demolition application. The contractors performing the works need the execution plan. The list of services is the key to the calculation of the offer and for comparing efficiency. We will undertake the dismantling and demolition planning for you.

We deal with all types of raw materials; liquids, solids and gases – all over the world. We prospect for deposits, investigate raw materials as well as plan and compile surveys. Evaluating a deposit through a Pre-Feasibility Study and Bankable Feasibility Study pursuant to international standards, which enables the prospecting investor to undergo a financial commitment on a sound basis. Determining the presence of exploitable reserves is the most important criterion. Other decision criteria are technical recoverability, ecological and social impacts on the environment, and licensing aspects.

Deposits are an essential source for the survival of entire industries. They counteract the shortage of raw materials. Raw materials are very diverse – and so are their deposits. The prospecting of a deposit is the basis for successful raw material extraction. We will offer geological expertise combined with years of experience and technical prospecting services. This will guarantee you reliable planning, monitoring and evaluation during the prospecting period.

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We test land, existing building stock, technical installations, operational risks and adherence to environmental requirements with due diligence or an environment due diligence. The extensive and complex testing requires professional competence, strategic thinking and interdisciplinary work. We will test and evaluate all environmentally relevant information sources. In this way, we will create transparency for your decision-making.

We all need energy every day. Consciously and unconsciously. Reduce your energy consumption and increase end-user efficiency. We will develop solutions tailored to your needs.

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the central eco-political instrument for environmental protection. Environmentally relevant projects are assessed for environmental impacts. As part of the regulatory approval process, the environmental impact assessment aids decision making on the permissibility of projects. It is the first hurdle for project implementation. With our detailed presentation of potential project-related environmental effects, the concept of measures and a balanced discussion of the options, we prevent failure of the project due to the EIA.

The environment and our living conditions determine our quality of life. Development entails changes. Sustainable environmental development is the result of many large and small projects. Environment – and occupational health legislation is extensive and varies worldwide. Environmental consulting covers many areas of responsibility: Risk identification, building assessment, early detection of harmful effects, operational environmental protection, location evaluations, information acquisition and utilisation. We will stay on top of things, so that you can make the right decision.

Today, decisions are complex. Often situations are difficult to see through. Strengths and weaknesses must be considered. Every property transaction requires that environmental risks be identified and quantified. Problems can only be averted if they are known about in advance. We will be your guarantor for due diligence procedures.

Environmental information systems are GIS and database systems for the recording and analysis of environmental data. With environmental monitoring, the continuous collection of large amounts of data is particularly important. Much of this data will be related to geographical information. Environmental information systems consistently collect data and make new analyses possible. Increase your efficiency with our environmental systems. We’ll help you gain new insights.

A technical environmental building evaluation is a complex and variable service package. It is worth it for every phase of a building’s lifecycle: development, operation, renting, ongoing maintenance, buying or selling, conversion or demolition. It is always worth reliably identifying, evaluating and managing environmental risks. We will offer you tailor-made solutions for your property type and it´s lifecycle phase.

Environmental planning is oriented towards desirable conditions for the environment and human beings. Environmental planning ensures the co-ordination of individual instruments and integrates environmental policy in all areas, such as spatial planning, individual plans and environmental impact assessments. We take environmental and social aspects into consideration. That way, we achieve sustainable development.

Gemeinsam in eine nachhaltige Zukunft mit ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance. HPC AG unterstützt Sie mit ingenieurtechnischem Wissen bei den immer komplexer werdenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Wir bieten Ihnen ESG-Dienstleistungen und Unterstützungspakete an.


Erfahren Sie mehr zu unserem ESG-Pre-Screening Tool

The ESG approach, which encompasses environmental, social and governance aspects, is too important to be relegated to a buzzword. So we operationalize this approach for our customers: The term ESG is booming. And not just because of the recent crises. The increase in importance is having an impact on markets, fashions, consumption and investment decisions. ESG is often defined very broadly and used as a synonym for sustainability.
In addressing the global challenges that also affect the Balkans and Kosovo, the ESG/Sustainability issue must be prioritized. HPC is your partner in ESG and sustainability. We support you in setting your sustainability goals, implementing and building an ESG management system in order to minimize your sustainability risks and take advantage of potential opportunities.
Bei der Bewältigung der globalen Herausforderungen, von denen auch die Balkanländer und der Kosovo betroffen sind, muss das ESG/Nachhaltigkeits-Thema vorrangig behandelt werden. HPC ist Ihr Partner in Sachen ESG und Nachhaltigkeit. Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Festlegung Ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsziele, der Implementierung und dem Aufbau eines ESG-Managementsystems, um Ihre Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken zu minimieren und potenzielle Chancen zu nutzen.
HPC is your partner in ESG and sustainability. We support you in setting your sustainability goals, implementing and building an ESG management system to minimize your sustainability risks and seize potential opportunities.
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With the results of the deposit prospecting we develop technical resource and reserve extraction concepts and plan details for raw material extraction. We prepare approval procedures for the extraction of the deposits and accompany the approval processes in an advisory capacity.

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In the early 1970s, the German Federal Government presented its first environmental programme. The Federal Immission Control Act is intended to protect against harmful effects on the environment. And so, since then, many companies have come into contact with the law again and again. The example of the Hagedorn Group of Companies illustrates how HPC AG supports its customers in the authorisation process.

Biogas, in addition to the renewable energy sources solar and wind, is an important energy source. We use many raw materials: digester gas from sewage treatment plants, organic waste and renewable raw materials. Regionally available resources and energetically recyclable waste materials can be produced in an environmentally friendly way. What is special about biogas? It is natural energy obtained from organic material and delivers CO2-neutral heating, cooling, electricity and gas.

Preventive fire safety has been an important aspect of occupational safety for many years in building planning and inspection. The number of fires resulting in levels of material damage, injuries and death must be reduced. We will arrange safety targets for buildings and property related requirements with you. An integral fire safety concept is generally obligatory for special structures without specific building regulations or significant deviations introduced by the building authorities. We generate all fire safety measures up to final design on your behalf.

Each building leaves traces in the ground. Detailed knowledge of local conditions guarantees the economic viability of a structure and protects the surrounding areas. Our foundation consultation offers alternatives for an economic structural foundation and gives recommendations for the construction processes. We will get you on a safe and economical base.

We are experts in contaminants and all classic and innovative investigation processes, redevelopment and securing. We have experience from thousands of projects and are confident in our expert opinions and cost estimates. As a general contractor, we are a competent third party. For new usage, we guarantee that we will comply with public laws concerning redevelopment requirements at the fixed price including all enduring risks from contaminated sites.

You will receive planning as well as environmentally sound and selective dismantling and demolition measures while complying to all workplace safety measures with the optimal disposal methods and disposal services from one provider. As a general contractor, interface problems are foreign to us, as they cause delays. We will take on the responsibility for the whole dismantling project, the meeting of deadlines and providing cost security.

Geographic information systems (GIS) make spatial objects visible and link them to a database. Manage, analyse and visualise an extensive amount of diverse data graphically and quickly with GIS. GIS offers individual solutions for supply and disposal contractors and for city, space and landscape designers, as well as for “environment departments” in industrial companies. You define the requirements. We offer you the modular custom-built geographic information system that meets them.

Land, soil, earth and rock are our living space, and at the same time, the foundation of our construction projects. They are only safe as building sites when they are explored and evaluated. We offer you complete solutions from a single source, including complex challenges. Our experience and our perseverance ensure the success of your construction project.

Geothermal energy offers an economic and sustainable option for heating and cooling buildings. As expert planners for geothermal systems, we orientate our planning services in accordance with HOAI (Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers; AHO Booklet 26). We take on the basic evaluation/feasibility study, preliminary planning and pilot studies (thermal response test, pump trials), the design  and approval planning, as well as the implementation planning and contracting (service phases 1 to 7 in accordance with HOAI).

Read more about near-surface geothermal energy

Through development previously unused areas can be used for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. These can be previous fallow lands or built-up areas undergoing a change of use. We help you to develop these areas with the required infrastructure.

Non-potable water, drinking water, mineral water and curative water – water extraction differs according to your requirements. Drinking water, mineral water and curative water must conform to much higher quality standards than non-potable water. With site surveys, planning and monitoring of the construction of wells and pipelines we provide a flawless delivery of quality to the consumer. With innovative geo-hydraulics, groundwater modelling and resource management methods, we create the conditions for legal protection and long-term usability of groundwater resources.

Clean groundwater and spring water is the most precious foundation of life. Our goal is to appreciate and protect it. We therefore explore aquifers, examine water quality and rejuvenate in case of damage. We have been dealing with groundwater projects for many years. We plan construction projects in groundwater particularly carefully – to protect the groundwater and prevent damage to subsurface structures.

Groundwater models mathematically describe groundwater flow and transport processes. They build a simple or complex picture of the aquifer and make it possible to address many questions and tasks using computer projections. We create precise problem analysis and solutions for your site. And at a highly professional level.

Hazard maps for heavy rain are the most important basis for structural measures to reduce the risk of flooding, precautionary planning and crisis management.
Hazard maps for heavy rain are the most important basis for structural measures to reduce the risk of flooding, precautionary planning and crisis management.
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Farmland and aquifers in Baden-Württemberg are contaminated with paper sludge. There are both causes of and solutions for this large-scale contamination.
Anyone visiting the heart of the city of Hamburg, HafenCity (Harbour City), usually looks at the impressive new and old buildings – or at the wide water. But it is also worth taking a look at the ground. Only those who master the skill can build in a harbour – with sand, storm surges and an inrush of water.

Water is the basis of our life. Rivers and inland water bodies are the natural habitat for flora and fauna. At the same time, they are traffic and transport routes and popular areas for leisure and recreation. Rivers and inland water bodies also contain dangers. Floods can have devastating effects. We preserve natural resources and shape them so they can be used safely.

We can only protect what we know: geo-hydraulic measurements and investigations into groundwater conditions are important bases of hydro-geological exploration. With our test vehicles, we can perform pumping tests and all common drill-hole testing to a depth of 400 metres. We digitally collect all measurement parameters. We can evaluate the data on the spot. We gather information about aquifer structures to the best technical standards: diagnostic plots and transient-response curve procedures provide reliable aquifer guidelines, so that we can mathematically calculate the groundwater flow and make forecasts for the development of groundwater quality. We examine the groundwater quality with ingress pumping tests, multilevel sampling and other methods. In this way, cases of groundwater damage can be assessed and corrected.

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With big data, the value of relevant information increases considerably. Big data makes it possible to create successful concepts and gain market shares. Provided you get a handle on the flood of information – uncertainty and lack of experience with information systems can waste your potential and damage your competitive edge. We support you to use information systems competently, so that you can quickly collect and evaluate data.

Regional economic objectives of investment-related infrastructure policies can only be achieved by thorough infrastructure planning. Infrastructure planning influences the competitiveness of regions, the promotion of economic growth and the improvement of region-specific environmental situations. We know the individual challenges of areas and regions. That qualifies us to be competent in current and future infrastructure planning.

The IED (European Design Institute)-Directive and the initial state report means new obligations for plant operators and industry. Die IED-Directive came into effect in November 2010. The aims of the directive were to standardize environmental specifications within the EU and to prevent unequal competition. Regulations (4 and 9 BlmSchV (Bundes-Immissionsschutzverordnungen) [Federal Emission Protection Regulations]) were adopted when the IED Directive came into effect. We will support you with all measures in the implementation of the IED-Directive.

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During the last 100 years social prosperity has been growing at the expense of the environment, especially soil and groundwater. Contaminants are stored in former production sites, in landfills and in artificially filled sites. These contaminants pollute groundwater, surface water, crops and endanger human health. In the course of construction measures, these contaminants lead to higher costs and need to be disposed of. Authorities, owners and buyers require reliable surveys. This is the only way to safely assess potential threats, risks attached to new use and investment restrictions.

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Life is constantly evolving. New buildings and installations are emerging on freely available land. Elsewhere occupied land is being redeveloped and returned to the economic cycle. Land recycling enhances urban land, revitalises soil, and is part of urban and rehabilitation planning. We offer services to promote land recycling and the integration of sustainable disused and usable land for the whole area from one sole provider.

Measure first, then act. Precise knowledge of location-related data is essential for nearly every construction project and many other projects besides. We collect this data for you with the most advantageous procedure in each case, and if you so require, maintain them in a geographic information system (GIS). Our repertoire includes GPS measurements, surveying with tachometers and accurate levels, as well as laser scanner measurements. We can offer you the use of state -of –the- art technology for an efficient, time- and- cost saving implementation in your project.

Even with successful methods of waste recycling, landfills will still be required in the future. Waste and residual waste fractions are still classified on an economic and ecological basis from I to III. Industrial waste can be deposited on lower landfill classes depending on the pollutant content. We can help you to extend existing landfill sites and set up new ones.

Landscape planning is an ecological and creative subject between the conflicting priorities of spatial planning, ecology, conservation and various other areas. It serves proactively as a key planning instrument of nature protection and landscape conservation. Areal- and profile-oriented landscape planning supports and steers economic development and helps to shape it in an ecologically sustainable manner. With our landscape planning, we have set ourselves the goal of maintaining the productivity of eco-systems as the basis of life for people.

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There are no rivers in the capital of Kosovo. The Priština, its namesake, and the Vellusha disappeared in the 1950s – filled up with rubbish and soil. Rivers that did not disappear from the face of the earth are often contaminated in the Balkans – as are many soils. The reason: carelessness or negligent and ignorant handling of harmful substances as well as massive damage caused by war.

Part of the decommissioning process of a mine is to consider the landscape design and usage after the extraction of a deposit. The design of the landscape must ensure long-term safety, a low maintenance and sustainable use after completion of the mining process. Planning must take geotechnical, hydrogeological and landscaping factors into consideration. Based on this we can develop a complex and unique redevelopment plan for you.

Since ancient times, raw materials have been the source of prosperity and progress. Often in the past, the need for new deposits was the driving force for technical advancement. These days, sufficient raw materials are the basis for industrial production. A guaranteed supply of raw materials for industry is of high economic importance. We prospect and evaluate worldwide deposits for liquid, solid and gaseous materials. The extraction of raw materials through mining poses a great responsibility for people, nature and the environment on us. After decommissioning the mine, we design the plan for the post-mine landscape. We are also happy to develop individual flood scenario concepts for you, as well as post-flood concepts.

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Health and safety for your employees are your top priority. High rates of absenteeism and disturbances in the workplace are costly and often have disastrous consequences for small and middle sized companies. It is necessary to implement accident prevention regulations and avoid accidents at work and health hazards. We develop company specific safety measures and monitor their implementation.

Occupational health and safety is often only an issue when it is too late and damage has been done – be it through an accident or through everyday work. HPC supports its clients in preventing this from happening. Selvi Kocak-Pasolar specialises in tech companies. The new hybrid working world poses completely new challenges.
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In order to ensure you a smooth and therefore cost-efficient project, we integrate all customer-specific, legal and technical requirements from the BImSchG and the accompanying fields of law early on.

The BImSchG bundles the relevant legal fields in one approval process. For over 20 years, we have guided this complex process as an expert for approval processes in the environmental sector and for water‐polluting substances. From planning to commissioning: Everything from a single source!

Water care and water development are implemented through the Water Framework Directive. Proposals that safeguard the water supply and ecosystem, the landscape and the common good are approved. All measures are subject to regulatory approval. We utilize our room to manoeuvre to your advantage to reduce the cost of water maintenance. Channelling water runoff and improving ecological conditions are a must for us.

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If the risk assessment reveals a need for redevelopment, we will find the best comparative redevelopment solution (retention or de-contamination). Initially we will develop specific and proportionate redevelopment targets, before we generate options for redevelopment solutions and after evaluating the cost effectiveness criteria. We will prepare the design plans and permit applications. We will assist you in making the right decisions. We will oversee and manage the redevelopment. We will take responsibility.

Contaminated sites can be old waste deposits on former landfills and former industrial sites utilizing chemical substances in their processes. Contaminated sites can pollute groundwater, surface water, crops and endanger our health. We systematically investigate suspicious sites and assess them in accordance with the BBodSchG and BBodSchV. We always assess individual cases and determine a specific course of action appropriate to each case. We focus on the solution, not the problem.

The interplay of people, goods and information is a prerequisite for technical progress. Continuous work for a mobility structure meeting these requirements contributes to this progress. We consider all stakeholders and act sustainably, cost-consciously and efficiently.

Roads and paths are one of the foundations of our life. We provide relevant and economical road construction which meets medium- and long-term requirements.

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Numerous factors and individual assessment criteria affect the choice of location. We consider the location situation in conjunction with the customer’s specific requirements. In accordance with the company’s objectives we will take on individual location requirements and adapt them to the conditions of the alternative sites. We will analyse all the relevant factors, evaluate the basics and check alternatives.

Improper procedures in dealing with groundwater causes 80 % of all building damage. Poor judgement leads to damage and massively increased cost. Our experienced hydrogeologists and civil engineers help you maintain a dry building site. Our tools range from simple formulas to complex groundwater models. We examine the effects of large-scale drawdown. In so doing, we set benchmarks: through co-operation on the issue of construction water containment for highly acknowledged scientific publications (such as the “Grundbautaschenbuch”) and the taskforce on DIN 18305 “Water Containment Works”.

There is a high risk of occupational accidents for workers on construction sites and the immediate area. This is the building owner’s responsibility. We will offer substantiated safety planning, stringent implementation of all precautionary measures and constant communication with everyone concerned. Our health and safety coordinator will take charge of these duties.

The implementation of the planning procedures requires expertise in site management and supervision. We will continually check compliance with the requirements of the planning process, solve unforeseen problems and take care of your interests. At the conclusion of operations, you will receive a detailed report as a documentation of upholding all the applicable legal requirements.

Contaminated building debris needs to be monitored and managed on-site. This is essential for large quantities. We will oversee the occupational safety aspects. We ensure compliance with waste requirements. We eliminate unnecessary costs with the expertise and experience from thousands of construction sites.

After evaluating the soil conditions, we will define the targets for soil protection solutions at national and regional level. We will then clarify regulations with the municipal and environmental planning authorities. The catalogue of measures taken will be based on regionally relevant information and the relevant planning documentation.

The characteristics of soil and groundwater and their suitability for a building site are important criteria when buying real estate. Our experts investigate the conditions. We will give you recommendations for the right foundations. A good investment to prevent impairments and delays in construction.

When construction projects and their planning impinge on the habitats of rare and protected plants and animals, the legal requirements for wildlife protection come into effect. Right at the beginning of project planning, we assess whether relevant animal and plant species and their habitats could be affected. If that is the case, specialists investigate the […]

Building ground is capital. Sustainable and economic use pays off. Especially in inner cities, a new building must fit in with existing structures. Shoring is often needed in a building pit. Surrounding buildings, roads, pipes and sewers need to be taken into account. We offer you one-stop planning and security credentials. Through to the execution stage.

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In addition to technical know-how, engineers in supply and disposal engineering need the ability to analyse complex contexts and to develop individual solutions. Renewable energy sources are also included in supply and disposal engineering. Examples are geothermal energy and the use of heat from ground, biogas plants and the use of renewable raw materials, as well as district heating networking for heat distribution. We will advise you in all areas.

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Many large companies in Germany have already prepared reports per the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). This might give them an advantage in complying with the mandatory CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) requirements.
Ambitious remediation of a polluted area instead of “out of sight, out of mind”. HPC AG is thoroughly remediating a pit filled with chemical and pharmaceutical waste, among other things, using state-of-the-art equipment for the Swiss-based Roche Holding AG. Excavating an average of 600 tonnes per day, and filling a total of 15,000 containers in a very confined space at a depth of 13 metres right next to a river – HPC AG, the general planner and construction manager, has shown that this is possible.
The greenhouse gases caused by HPC AG are recorded and compensated. This makes us one of the first companies in our industry to voluntarily compensate for emissions.

Contaminated sites, contaminated locations and buildings, emissions and immissions of pollutants compromise product safety and occupational safety and lower the value of the product and building. Chemical substances must be recorded and quantified. Dangers are not immediately recognised. This is particularly true for combined exposures to pollutant mixtures. Our toxicological risk assessment tests the statutory risk thresholds, for example, cancer risks from IKR: 10E-5. For unacceptable risks and hazards, we will define, with you, location specific action quality and sanitary procedures. We will support you in your risk assessment.

Environmental influences increasingly jeopardize vital drinking water supplies, rivers and lakes. Industrial effluents are often polluted and require treatment. Our wastewater treatment focuses on the multiple use of wastewater and water pollution control. With innovative treatment processes, we achieve a resource-saving reuse for municipal and industrial purposes.

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Recycling and waste disposal often requires sampling and analytical studies. A simple separation of building substances lowers expenses. We investigate waste materials and the soil conditions before commencing construction. We sample materials to be disposed of and provide the appropriate material categorization declarations. We know the regional requirements for disposal regulations.

Both on-site storage capacities and available time are often scarce. We determine the different qualities of debris and soil as well as the different waste categories in advance. We arrange approval of intermediate storage areas, disposal and recycling paths and develop disposal concepts based on the investigation results and evaluation. A complete disposal concept ensures proper site planning and reduces costs.

Many obstacles make the disposal of building materials and waste difficult. We will advise you on environmental research, recycling and disposal concepts pursuant to technical and economic criteria. We will co-ordinate the interfaces between all involved parties for you.

Cleaning and disposal of industrial wastewater is particularly complicated and costly. Systematic analysis and evaluation of the water and wastewater-related parameters on site can greatly reduce costs. Aspects of wastewater management are the type of water supply, the average consumption of water and the contents of the wastewater. We reduce the production costs. For us, environmental protection means reducing water consumption and reusing waste products. Waste products are sand, screenings and valuable materials, such as sewage sludge, which contribute to energy extraction.

Water is our most important resource. With us, you can identify and eliminate risks in your water supply. We customize methods and processes to suit your needs. Through efficient resource management you maximise your savings potential. The sustainable management of water resources is certifiable. We ensure the optimal use of resources.

Clean drinking water ensures the sustainable development of whole regions. Sources of water include river water, groundwater and sea water. The quality of the raw water determines the technical solution for its processing. We ensure that the processed water will be distributed and temporarily stored in transport networks. So the water in the distribution system reaches the consumer.

Our wastewater is supposed to be clean. But hardly anyone is interested in what exactly happens; the main thing is that the result is right. And that’s what HPC AG cares about – envisioning a future that is not so far away.

A healthy working environment motivates employees, creates satisfaction, and increases productivity. In production areas, high risk areas, and in the office, occupational health and safety is essential and at the same time a recipe for economic success. Fewer accidents and shorter outage times means fewer extra costs leading to potential savings on insurance expense. We will support you in coordinating occupational safety measures for your company.

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15370 Fredersdorf
Germany (Germany)
Jahnstraße 26
88214 Ravensburg
Germany (Germany)
Ziegelhofstraße 210 a
79110 Freiburg
Germany (Germany)
Gewerbestraße 10
78345 Moos
Germany (Germany)
Blücherstraße 11
22767 Hamburg
Germany (Germany)
Hauptstraße 70
77652 Offenburg
Germany (Germany)
Steinfeldstraße 1
90425 Nürnberg
Germany (Germany)
Nördlinger Straße 16
86655 Harburg (Schwaben)
Germany (Germany)
Kistlerhofstraße 70, Geb. 160, 5. Stock
81379 München
Germany (Germany)
Am Stadtweg 8
06217 Merseburg
Germany (Germany)
Karlsruher Straße 88
76139 Karlsruhe
Germany (Germany)
Industriestraße 2
79541 Lörrach
Germany (Germany)
Niedervellmarsche Straße 30
34233 Fuldatal
Germany (Germany)
Emilienstraße 13
04107 Leipzig
Germany (Germany)
Bleicherstraße 8
87437 Kempten
Germany (Germany)
HPC Envirotec SASU
1 rue Pierre Marzin
35230 Noyal-Châtillon-sur-Seiche (CS83001 - Saint Erblon)
France (France)
HPC Envirotec SASU
645 Rue Mayor de Montricher
13290 Aix-en-Provence
France (France)
HPC Envirotec SASU
11 rue Claude Chappe
57070 Metz
France (France)
HPC Envirotec SASU
15 rue du 1er Mai - Immeuble Nacarat Hall 2
92000 Nanterre
France (France)
St. Martiner Straße 25
9500 Villach
Österreich (Austria)
Am Europlatz 3/3.OG/MB 3
1120 Wien
Österreich (Austria)
Kaiserfeldgasse 22/14
8010 Graz
Österreich (Austria)
Str. Mis Edit Durham
Sol. 2, Hy 1, No 7
10000 RKS Prishtina
Kosovo (Kosovo)
HÔTEL DE RECHERCHE, Centre de Perharidy
France (France)
Andrássy út 121
1062 Budapest
Hungary (Hungary)
Dr.-Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 12
47228 Duisburg (HPC INT.)
Germany (Germany)
HPC Italia S.r.l.
Via Francesco Ferrucci 17/A
20145 Milano
Italy (Italy)
HPC POLGEOL Spółka Akcyjna
ul. Murmańska 25
04-203 Warszawa
Poland (Poland)
HPC POLGEOL Spółka Akcyjna
ul. Budowlana 26
20-469 Lublin
Poland (Poland)
Keine passenden Standorte gefunden.

3-dimensional geological & formation model, Nachterstedt (Germany)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Agosta 1 natural gas well; Environmental Impact Assessment, Comacchio (Italy)
Occupational Health and Safety
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Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) pre-screening – a pilot project of a Philip Morris International (PMI) tobacco plant in Santa Cruz du Sol (Brazil)
Groundwater Management
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Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) pre-screening for five Philip Morris International (PMI) sites in Italy, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia and Portugal
Groundwater Management
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Approval planning of Flood protection, Solingen-Unterburg (Germany)
Groundwater Management
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Automotive Crash Test Facility (China)
Geotechnical Engineering
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Coastal Protection at the Albanian Mediterranean Coast
Geotechnical Engineering
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Construction of the sluice, Sehnde Bolzum (Germany)
Groundwater Management
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Costea Environmental compliance program (Romania)
Information Systems
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Deposit Evaluation, Cement Plant, Kokshetau (Kazakhstan)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Coal Power Plant, Luena (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Copper-Cobalt Deposit, Deziwa (Congo)
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Deposit Evaluation, Natural Gas Field, Atovskaya (Russia)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Natural Gas Field, Balaganskaya (Russia)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Natural Gas Field, Tagninskaya (Russia)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Oil and Gas Field, Parabelskaya (Russia)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Oil and Gas Field, Selimkhanowskaya (Russia)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Evaluation, Oil Sand Field, Beke (Kazakhstan)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Investigation, Coal Power Plant, Luena (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Deposit Investigation, Oil Sand Field, Beke (Kazakhstan)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Disassembly of Gas Washer, Neuss (Germany)
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Disinfection of a Mineral Water Well
Groundwater Management
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Due Diligence Assessment Water Supply Reliability in Ukraine, Russia and Georgia
Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring
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EHS Audit, Milan (Italy)
Occupational Health and Safety
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EHS Due Diligence for Gas Stations and other assets in Oil and Gas Services (Germany)
Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring
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Environmental Compatibility, Coal Power Plant, Luena (Congo)
Environmental Planning
PDF herunterladen
Environmental Compatibility, Copper-Cobalt Deposit, Deziwa (Congo)
Environmental Planning
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Environmental Compatibility, Oil Sand Field, Beke (Kazakhstan)
Environmental Planning
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Environmental Consulting, Bremen (Germany)
Occupational Health and Safety
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Environmental Impact Assessment for the restoration of the lake „Salziger See“, Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
Environmental Planning
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Expansion Birkeshöhstraße / Jägerstraße, Meinerzhagen (Germany)
Road and Civil Engineering
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Extraction Planning, Coal Power Plant, Luena (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
PDF herunterladen
Extraction Planning, Copper-Cobalt Deposit, Deziwa (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Extraction Planning, Oil Sand Field, Beke (Kazakhstan)
Natural Resources and Mining
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FADO – Technical Documents online, Karlsruhe (Germany)
Information Systems
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Feasibility Study, Coal Power Plant, Luena (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Feasibility Study, Copper-Cobalt Deposit, Deziwa (Congo)
Natural Resources and Mining
PDF herunterladen
Feasibility Study, Oil Sand Field, Beke (Kazakhstan)
Natural Resources and Mining
PDF herunterladen
Former Insecticide Production Site, Lindane (France)
Occupational Health and Safety
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General repairment, reconstruction and modernization of the WWTP Dupnitsa (Bulgaria)
Supply and Waste Engineering
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Hainan Road, Durban (South Africa)
PDF herunterladen
Medical Surveillance for Apple, 15 sites in Italy
Occupational Health and Safety
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Prime contracting of the former gasworks‘ rehabilitation, Reims (France)
Waste Management
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Rehabilitation and extension of the sewerage network and water supply network in city Shumen – Stage 2 (Bulgaria)
Groundwater Management
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Rehabilitation and extension of the sewerage network and water supply network in the city Lukovit (Bulgaria)
Groundwater Management
PDF herunterladen
Rehabilitation Plans of Base Metal Mines in South-East (Bulgaria)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Remediation at inactive manufacturing plant, Frosinone (Italy)
Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection
PDF herunterladen
Remediation of “Hirschacker” Grenzach-Wyhlen, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Supply and Waste Engineering
PDF herunterladen
Remediation of industrial site, Salamanca (Mexico)
Groundwater Management
PDF herunterladen
Remediation of the Hazardous Waste Treatment Site at Ramat Hovav (Israel)
Waste Management
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Removal and disposal of mineral fibers and asbestos, Schwarzach, Mittelbrunn, Stolberg (Germany)
Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring
PDF herunterladen
Risk Assessment and Remediation Design, Portoscuso/Region Sardinia (Italy)
Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection
PDF herunterladen
Road Dam B 80, Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
Geotechnical Engineering
PDF herunterladen
Rockwool NEU9, Neuburg/Donau, Bavaria, Germany
Geotechnical Engineering
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Scheller Mill Silo Facility, Bavaria (Germany)
Geotechnical Engineering
PDF herunterladen
Selection of Projects – Environmental Due Diligence: Logistics
Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring
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Soil and Groundwater remediation at Retail Stations and other Oil&Gas installations (Italy)
Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection
PDF herunterladen
Source Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) for > 100 Coca-Cola Plants in 20 Countries
Groundwater Management
PDF herunterladen
Spring water well, Tylicz (Poland)
Groundwater Management
PDF herunterladen
Stability of the Highwalls of „Baufeld Westen III“ Amsdorf Open Mine (Germany)
Geotechnical Engineering
PDF herunterladen
Supervision of WWTP Kubratovo and sewage pumping station Novi Iskar – rehabilitation and construction, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Supply and Waste Engineering
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Tailings of Uranium Ore Processing (Germany)
Natural Resources and Mining
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Waste Management, Mesaieed (Quatar)
Waste Management
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Keine passenden Referenzen gefunden.


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Bohnert, B., Fröhlich, D., Hekel, U. (2024)

Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Grundwassersanierungen – Phänomene und Fallbeispiele

Handbuch der Altlastensanierung, Beitrag 5905, 97. Aktualisierung, Mai 2024, Rehm Verlag, Heidelberg

Weißer, A., Fünfgeld, F., Hekel, U. (2024)

Neubildung von Grundwasservorräten – Validierung und Anwendung einfacher Berechnungen mittels Tabellenkalkulation

Tagungsband zur Veranstaltung „Unsere wichtigste Georessource Grundwasser“ der FH-DGGV, 29. FHDGGV-Tagung 20.-23. März 2024, Aachen


Weyersberg, H. (2023)

Baustellenverordnung: Das ändert sich zum 01.04.2023

PBP Planungsbüro professionell, Ausgabe 04/2023 Seite 1, IWW Institut für Wissen in der Wirtschaft

Pamplona, J., Rodrigues, B. C., Peternell, M., Lorenz, A., Schmidt, A., Mengert, M., Altmeyer, T., Köpping, J. (2023)

Structures Associated with the Dynamics of Granitic Rock Emplacement (NW Portugal)

Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook–Volume 2, Springer Geology, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Karg, F., Hintzen, U. (2023)

PFAS sicher und preiswert sanieren

UmweltMagazin, Ausgabe 1-2/2023, Herausgegeben vom Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e. V. (VDI)


Bohnert, B. (2022)

Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in der Grundwassersanierung

af-info Ausgabe 2022, Altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Dernai, G., Henze, K. (2022)

Was wurde aus …? Sanierung ehem. Braun-Areal in Ulm

af-info Ausgabe Dezember 2022, Altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Karg, F., Hintzen, U., Robin-Vigneron, L., Mostersteg, S. (2022)

Einzelfallprüfung bei PFAS: Anwendung der neuen Mantelverordnung für verhältnismäßige und kostenoptimierte Sanierungen bei Vielstoffbelastungen

Altlastenspektrum, Ausgabe 6/2022, Herausgegeben vom Ingenieurtechnischen Verband für Altlastenmanagement und Flächenrecycling e. V. (ITVA)

Hekel, U., Wolf, S. (2022):

Süßstoffe und Verweilzeiterkundung – Ausschlusskriterium und Rettung einer Mineralwasser­erschließung

28. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der DGGV 2022, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Bohnert, B., Wildenhof, M., Kleinmagd, R., Gruber, M. (2020)

Was wurde aus…? … den Bohlinger Schlammteichen

af-info Ausgabe 1/2020, Altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Held, T., Bohnert, B., Mazo D’Affonseca, F., Dörr, H., Finkel, M., Hiesl, E., Hekel, U., Koschitzky, H-P., Leven, C., Mohrlok, U., Ptak, T., Rehner, G., Salowsky, H., Weißer, A. (2020)

Sanierungs­vor­bereitende Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Schad­stoffsituation in Poren-Grundwasserleitern

Schriftenreihe Altlastenforum Baden-Württem­berg e.V., Heft 19, Stuttgart (Schweizerbart)

Song, J., Koltuk, S., Azzam, R. (2020)

Numerische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss eines geplanten Pumpspeicherkraftwerks auf Grundwasserverhältnisse in einem Karstgebiet

Wasserwirtschaft, Ausgabe 1/2020, Springer Nature – Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Zodiatis G., Liubartseva, S., Loizides, L., Pellegatta, M., Coppini, G., Lardner, R., Kallos, G., Kalogeri, C., Bonarelli, R., Augusto, A., Neves, S., Nicolaides, P., Brillant, A. (2020)

Evaluation of the Leviathan offshore platform environmental studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-5386 , Online on 4 -8 May 2020

Vergara, M., Arismendy, A., Libreros, A., Brzovic, A. (2020)

Numerical investigation into strength and deformability of veined rock mass

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 135, Available online 13 October 2020


Buchner, D., Schweikhart, M., Behrens, S., Schöndorf, T., Laskov, C., Haderlein, S.B. (2019)

Sanierung eines PCE-Schadens in einem makroskopisch oxischen Grundwasserleiter durch Stimulation anaerober dehalogenierender Bakterien

Grundwasser, Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V. in der DGGV e.V., März 2019, Vol. 24, No. 1, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Weißer, A. (2019)

Modellierung von Strömungs-, Transport- und Abbauprozessen auf dem Gelände eines ehemaligen Gaswerksstandorts in Baden-Württemberg

af-info 1/2019, altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart

Koltuk, S., Song, J., Iyisan, R., Azzam, R. (2019)

Seepage failure by heave in sheeted excavation pits constructed in stratified cohesionless soils

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, December 2019, Volume 13, Issue 6, Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany

Vezzoli, D., Pellegatta, R., Cerva, E. (2019)

Riqualificazione sostenibile di un ex contesto produttivo milanese a verde pubblico

Atti dei convegni aperti a call for papers, S. 316-321, Ecomondo 2019, 5-8 Novembre 2019, Rimini, Italy


Diana, F., Stella, T., Daghio, M., Pittino, F., Ferrari, R., Francioli, A., Franzetti, A. (2018)

Laboratory-scale assessment of bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil

SETAC meeting management, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 13. – 17. Mai 2018, Rom, Italien

Emmerich, K., Giraudo, F., Schuhmann, R., Schnetzer, F., Kaden, H., Thissen, P. (2018)

On the prediction of water contents in Na-saturated dioctahedral smectites

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 122, Issue 13, 7484-74930 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b11953)

Odenwald, B., Hekel, U., Thormann, H. (2018)

Grundwasserströmung – Grundwasserhaltung

Witt, K.J. (Hrsg.), Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Teil 2: Geotechnische Verfahren, 8. Auflage, Berlin (Ernst & Sohn)


Springer-Greve, T., Wolf, A., Reuter, A. (2017)

Die Bio-Barriere: Ein innovatives, wirksames In-Situ-Sanierungsverfahren

Handbuch Altlastensanierung und Flächenmanagement (HdA), 80. Aktualisierung, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg

Vogt, T., Hekel, U., Ebert, A., Becker, J.K., Traber, D., Giger, S., Brod, M., Häring, C. (2017)

Hydrogeologische Untersuchungen im oberflächennahen Opalinuston (Bohrloch Lausen, Schweiz)

Grundwasser Vol. 22, Issue 3, September 2017, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Schnetzer, F., Johnston, C. T., Premachandra, G. S., Thissen, P., Emmerich, K. (2017)

Impact of Intrinsic Structural Properties on the Swelling Hysteresis of 2:1 Layer Silicates

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Vol. 1, Issue 10, 608-620 (DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspace-chem.7b00091)

Serri, L., Lembo, E., Airoldi, D., Gelli, C., Beccarello, M. (2017)

Wind Energy plants repowering potential in Italy: technical-economic assessment

Renewable Energy, Volume 115, January 2018, Pages 382-390, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Behbehani, A. R., Früchel, B. (2017)

LHKW-Sanierung Osnabrück

Tagungsband des Altlastensymposiums 2017, Hrsg.: Ingenieurtechnischer Verband für Altlastenmanagement und Flächenrecycling e.V. (ITVA), Berlin

Cappellini A., Martignoni C. (2017)

Tutela del territorio tra esperienze passate e prospettive future – terre e rocce da scavo: novità normative (Soil Protection – Excavation Soil & Stone: Legislative News)

GTA Geologia Territorio Ambiente, Rivista Dell’Ordine Dei Geologi Di Baisilicata (Geologist Register of Basilicata Region Magazine), N. 26, Mai 2017, Potenza, Italien

Dörr, H., Bohnert, B., Guthke, A., Hansel, H., Held, T., Hiesl, E. S., Leven, C., Ptak, T., Koschitzky, H-P. (Hrsg.) (2017)

Adaptive Erkundungskonzepte und -methoden

Schriftenreihe altlastenforum BadenWürttemberg e.V., Heft 18, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart

Hürzeler, R., Ettner, M., Büth, H., Osberghaus, T. (2017)

Sanierung der Kesslergrube (Perimeter 1/3-Nordwest) durch Roche

altlasten spektrum 06/2017, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Osberghaus, T. (2017)

Die Altlast Kesslergrube – Historie, Untersuchung, Gefährdungsabschätzung

altlasten spektrum 06/2017, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Schmitt, T. (2017)

Von den Analysedaten zu einem automatisierten Web-GIS – Dynamische 4D-Visualisierung einer Altlastensanierung

af-info1/2017, S. 33-35, altlastenforum Badenwürttemberg e.V. und VEGAS, Universität Stuttgart


Hürzeler, R., Ettner, M., Osberghaus, T. (2016)

Sanierung der Kesslergrube (Perimeter 1/3-NW) durch ROCHE

Handbuch der Altlastensanierung (HdA), 79. Aktualisierung, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg

Karg, F. (2016)

MOA-Methodology of Risk Assessment and Exposure on Pollutant Cocktails (Agent Orange & Agent Blue, Dioxins, Pesticides, Chlorophenols, Arsenic) / Méthodologie MOA des évaluations des expositions aux cocktails de polluants : Agent Orange et Agent Bleu, etc. (Dioxines, Pesticides, Chlorophenols, Arsenic)

Intersol Congress Minutes, 16.03.2016, Lille, Frankreich

Leven, C., Ptak, T., Guthke, A., Hekel, U., Karch, G., Morlok, U., Halla, P. Koschitzky, H.-P. (2016)

Hydraulische Charakterisierung von Grundwasserleitern – Moderne Anwendungs- und Auswertungsansätze

Schriftenreihe altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V., Heft 17, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart

Portelius, E., Durieu, E., Bodin, M., Cam, M., Pannee, J., Leuxe, C., Mabondzo, A., Oumata, N., Galons, H., Lee, Y., Chang, Y-T., Stüber, K., Koch, P., Fontaine, G., Potier, M-C., Manousopoulou, A., Garbis, S., Covaci, A., Van Dam, D., De Deyn, P., Karg, F., Flajolet, M., Omori, C., Hata, S., Suzuki, T., Blennow, K., Zetterberg, K., Meijer, l. (2016):

Specific Triazine Herbicides Induce Amyloid-β42 Production

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1593-1605, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Schnetzer, F., Thissen, P., Giraudo, N., Emmerich, K. (2016)

Unraveling the Coupled Processes of (De)hydration and Struictural Changes in Na+-Saturated Montmorillonite

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 120, Issue 28, 15282-15287 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc6b04986)

Vezzoli, D., Ferrari, M., Pellegatta, R. (2016)

Gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti per la riqualificazione di una discarica abusiva ubicata in Provincia di Milano

Atti dei convegni aperti a call for papers, S. 96-101, Ecomondo 2016, 8-11 Novembre 2016, Rimini, Italien

Reich, S. (2016)

Geotechnische Aspekte einer anspruchsvollen Baugrube in der Hamburger HafenCity

bbr Leitungsbau Brunnenbau Geothermie, Ausgabe 11-2016, wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH, Bonn

Abrecht, J., Büring, G., Flury, B., Hekel, U., Hunkeler, D., Labhart, W., Schwab-Wysser, M. (2016)

Anwendung von Immissionspumpversuchen (IPV) in der Schweiz

Expertenbericht der ChloroNet-Projektgruppe IPV. Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern, Schweiz


Abrecht, J., Büring, G., Flury, B., Hekel, U., Hunkeler, D., Labhart, W., Schwab-Wysser, M. (2016)

Réalisation d’essais de pompage intégraux (EPI) en Suisse

Rapport d’experts du groupe de projet ChloroNet EPI. Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV), Berne, Schweiz

Bohnert, B., Dernai, G., Osberghaus, T. (2016)

Praxiserfahrungen mit biologisch-chemischer In-situ-Reduktion von LHKW durch Injektion von EHC®

altlasten spektrum 01/2016, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Bohnert, B., Vetter, I. (2016)

Integrales Altlastenmanagement

Handbuch der Altlastensanierung (HdA), 79. Aktualisierung, 3. Aufl., Oktober 2016, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg


Osberghaus, T. (2015)

Großprojekt Kesslergrube: Roche saniert nachhaltig für künftige Generationen

TerraTech 2/2015, Supplement für Altlasten und Bodenschutz in wlb – Wasser, Luft und Boden, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz

Serri, L., Lembo, E., Gelli, C. (2015)

Scenari di repowering di impianti eolici a scala nazionale

Rapporto RSE 15000668, RSE S.p.A. Ricerca Sistema Energefico, Milano, Italien

Münstermann, D. (2015)

Risiken für die Wasserversorgung

Brauwelt-Wissen-Wasser. Wochenzeitschrift für das Getränkewesen, 155. Jg., Ausgabe 11/12, Fachverlag Hans Carls GmbH, Nürnberg

Capponi-Brancone, E., Macerata, D., Colleoni, E. (2015)

Environmental Due Diligence

Due Diligence Guidebook 2015, IPSOA Guide Operative, Wolters Kluwer Italia, Italien

Grupp, A., Schwarz, P., Osberghaus, T., Mändle, J. (2015)

Probenahme- und Analysenkampagne zur Verifizierung der Auswirkungen der Ersatzbaustoffverordnung auf den Einsatz von RC-Baustoffen in Baden-Württemberg

SGS Fresenius (Hrsg.), Studie im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, 39 Seiten, Taunusstein

Karg, F., Grauf, T., Hintzen, U. (2015)

Bio-chemische in-situ-Sanierung von LHKW- & CrVI in einem Karst-Grundwasserleiter: Praxisbeispiel aus 2015

Tagungsband zum Symposium „Strategien zur Boden- und Grundwassersanierung“, DECHEMA, 30.11.2015, Frankfurt am Main

Kern, N., Königer, F., Jaeggi, D., Schnetzer, F., Herfort, M., Bossart, P. (2015)

Desiccant characterization for future application in a borehole evapometer based on a dielectric measuring system

Berichtsband zur 8. Tagung von CMM und KIT, 05.-08.10.2015, Karlsruhe

Koschitzky, H.-P., Hiesel, E., Hekel, U., Rothschink, P., Ptak, T. (2015)

Immissionspumpversuche für eine effektive Grundwasserabstromerkundung

TerraTech 2/2015, Supplement für Altlasten und Bodenschutz in wlb – Wasser, Luft und Boden, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz


Hekel, U. (2014)

Bestimmung von Schadstoffimmissionen und Frachten aus Pumpversuchen mit C-SET

7. Fachtagung ChloroNet „Sanierungen von CKW-Altlasten“, Solothurn, Schweiz

Osberghaus, T. (2014)

Vorgehensweise bei Sanierung, Rückbau und Umnutzung

Gesamtverband Schadstoffsanierung (GVSS) e.V. (Hrsg.): Schadstoffe in Innenräumen und an Gebäuden, Verlag Rudolf Müller, Köln

Weihrauch, S., Große, A., Grubert, P., Lehners, C., Nottrodt, H.-P., Reich, S., Schultheis, F. (2014)

Geotechnik – VBI-Leitfaden für Bauherren, Architekten und Fachplaner

Verband Beratender Ingenoieure VBI (Hrsg.), Eigenverlag VBI, Berlin

Bohnert, B., Hekel, U., Osberghaus, T., Schöndorf, T., Blankenhorn, I., Hillmert, C., Kohler, W., Weiller, M., Kirchholtes, H.-J., Ufrecht, W., Vasin, S., Wolff, G. (2014)

Integrales Altlastenmanagement – Leitfaden und Handlungshilfe zur integralen Untersuchung und Sanierung von Altlasten

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Cappellini, A., Macerata, D. (2014)

D. Lgs. 46/2014 – Novitá normative: gli aspetti tecnici

Il nuovo diritto dell’ambiente: le recenti riforme su danno ambientale, bonifiche e IED – New Environmental Right: Latest Reforms of Environmental Loss, Remediation and IED. Legal, Technical and Insurance Perspective Conference, organized by Pool Inquinamento, Pavia e Ansaldo, HPC, Milano, Italien

Colleoni, E., Denoël, M., Padoa-Schioppa, E., Scali, S., Ficetola, G.F. (2014)

Rensch’s rule and sexual dimorphism in salamanders: patterns and potential processes

Journal of Zoology: Volume 293, Issue 3, Page 143-151, Wiley Online Library

Guastella, S., Lembo, E., Serri, L., Bertani, D., Gelli, C. (2014)

Ottimizzazione energetica degli impianti offshore

Rapporto RSE 15010022, RSE S.p.A. Ricerca Sistema Energefico, Milano, Italien

Hekel, U., Eichelmann, C., Sonntag, P. (2014)

Integrale Altlastenuntersuchung Ravensburg – Strategie und Methoden einer integralen Untersuchung flacher Porengrundwasserleiter im urbanen Raum

Stadt Ravensburg

Hekel, U. (2014)

Détermination des immissions et des charges de polluants au moyen d’essais de pompage intégraux – avec le programme C-SET

7e journée technique ChloroNet „Assainissements de sites contaminés par des hydrocarbures chlorés“, Soleure, Schweiz


Servida, D., Comero, S., Dal Santo, M., De Capitani, L., Grieco, G., Marescotti, P., Porro, S., Forray, F. L., Gál, A., Szakács, A. (2013)

Waste-rock dump investigation at Roşia Montană gold mine (Romania): a geostatistical approach

Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 170, Issue 1, pp. 13-31 (DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-2100-6), Springer International Publishing AG

Pery, A., Karg, F., et al. (2013)

Valeurs limites d’exposition professionnelles (VLEP), valeurs toxicologiques de référence (VTR): objectifs et méthodes

Environnement, Risques & Santé, Vol. 12, numéro 5, 09-10/2013, Montrouge, Frankreich

Mele, M., Servida, D., Lupis, D. (2013)

Characterisation of sulphide-bearing waste rock dumps using electrical resistivity imaging: the case study of the Rio Marina mining district (Elba Island, Italy)

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 185, Issue 7, pp. 5891-5907 (Doi: 10.1007/s10661-012-2993-2), Springer International Publishing AG

Ptak, T., Kirchholtes, H., Hiesel, E., Holder, T., Rothschink, P., Hekel, U., Beer, H.-P., Ertel, T., Herold, M., Koschitzky, H.-P. (2013)

Grundwasserabstromerkundung mittels Immissionspumpversuchen – Aktualisierung Stand der Technik, Planung, Implementierung, Anwendungsstrategien

Schriftenreihe altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e. V., Heft 16, Stuttgart

Bohnert, B. (2013)

In-situ Feldversuch zum Abbau einer LHKW-Kontamination mittels EHC®

af – info 1/2013, altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e. V., Stuttgart

Bonvallot, N., Karg, F., et al. (2013)

Évaluation du risque chimique en santé-travail et en santé-environnement: objectifs et méthodes

Environnement, Risques & Santé, Vol. 12, numéro 5, 09-10/2013, Montrouge, Frankreich

Dossi, M., Ferrari, R., Dragoni, L., Martignoni, C., Gaetani, P., D’Incalci, M., Morbidelli, M., Moscatelli, D. (2013)

Synthesis of Fluorescent PMMA-Based Nanoparticles

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Vol. 298, Issue 7, 771–778, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Ficetola, G. F., Bonardi, A., Colleoni, E., Padoa-Schioppa, E., Scali, S. (2013)

Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism in the Number of Tail Vertebrae in Salamanders: Comparing Multiple Hypotheses

Evolutionary Biology: Volume 40, Issue 2, Page 220-227, Springer International Publishing AG

Hekel, U., Huss, A. (2013)

C-SET Benutzerhandbuch

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Hillmert, C., Hekel, U. (2013)

Vergleichsstudie über Auswerteverfahren von Immissionspumpversuchen

Altlasten- und Boden-News 2/2013, LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe


af-info 2/2013, altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart


Hekel, U. (2012)

Integrale Altlastenuntersuchung Ravensburg – Vergleichsstudie „Aufwand-/ Qualitätsverhältnis von Auswerteverfahren für Immissionspumpversuche“

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Huss, A. (2012)

Immissionspumpversuche mit gegenseitiger Beeinflussung – Anforderungen und Chancen

in: Franzius, W., Altenbockum, G. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Altlastensanierung und Flächenmanagement (HdA), 67. Ergänzungslieferung, Müller-Verlag, Heidelberg

Karg, F., Hintzen, U. Schoendorf, T., Biester, H., Villalobos, M.-J. (2012)

In-situ Stabilization of Mercury contaminated Soils & Sediments and passive Groundwater Remediation with Effective Low Cost Alloy Materials: Case Studies in Germany and France

Abstracts on the Technical Meeting NICOLE, 04.12.2012, Brüssel, Belgien

Kobberger, G. (2012)

Phytoscreening und dendrochemische Altersbestimmung

TerraTech 4/2012, TT15, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz

Reuter, A., Portune,T., Bort, H.(2012)

Ein innovatives passives Sanierungsverfahren – die Biobarriere. Teil 2: Planung und Aufnahme

in: Altlasten-Annual 2012, Seminar Altlasten und Schadensfälle am 23./24.05.2012 in Flörsheim, Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Wiesbaden

Bohnert, B., Hunger, S. (2012)

Kombination von GC/MS-Screenings und wirkungsbezogener Analytik zur Bewertung einer Altlast mit einer Vielzahl unbekannter Schadstoffe

Handbuch der Altlastensanierung (HdA), 65. Aktualisierung, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg

Comero, S., Servida, D., De Capitani, L., Gawlik, B. M. (2012)

Geochemical characterization of an abandoned mine site: a combined positive matrix factorization and GIS approach compared with principal component analysis

Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 118, pp. 30-37 (DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2012.04.003), ScienceDirect of Elsevier B.V.

Espenlaub, B., Schrade, B. (2012)

Kontinuierliche Erfassung altlastverdächtiger Flächen

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Ficetola, G. F., Bonardi, A., Colleoni, E., Padoa-Schioppa, E., Scali, S. (2012)

Climate and variation of the number of vertebrae in European Caudata

Scillitani, G. et al. (Hrsg.): Atti IX Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica, Bari-Conversano 26.-30. September 2012, Tipolitografia Pineta Conversano (Bari), Italien

Glorennec, P., Imbert, M., Ronga-Penzeret, S., Karg, F., et al. (2012)

Objectifs et résultats attendus d’une évaluation des risques sanitaires

Environnement, Risques & Santé, Vol. 11, numéro 3, 05-06/2012, Montrouge, Frankreich


Karg, F. (2011)

Protection contre la faute inexcusable de l’employeur lors d’interventions sur sites ou bâtiments pollués

Environnement et Technique, n° 306, 05/2011, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2011)

TERQ: Toxicological Exposure Risk Quantification for Heterocyclic PAC and Aromatic Amine Contamination in Case of DNBA Site Remediation

Abstracts of ISPAC: International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, CONT 5, p. 167; 04. – 08.09.2011, Münster

Kobberger, G., Feisthauer, S. (2011)

Dendrochemische Altersbestimmung von LCKW-Schadenseintritten – Fallbeispiele

Tagungsband zum 3. TASK Symposium „Zukunft Altlasten – Strategien und Technologien Made in Germany“ am 08./09. 06.2011 in Leipzig

Laursen, C., Hekel, U. (2011)

Geohydraulische Erkundung im Festgestein am Beispiel der Neckarschleuse Besigheim

in: Tagungsband BAW-Kolloquium „Geohydraulische Erkundungsverfahren“ 22. November 2011 in Hannover; BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe

Limmer, M. A., Balouet, J.-C., Karg, F., Vroblesky, D. A., Burken, J. G. (2011)

Phytoscreening for Chlorinated Solvents Using Rapid in Vitro SPME Sampling: Application to Urban Plume in Verl, Germany

Environmental Science and Technology 45 (19), ACS Publications, Washington, USA

Montenegro, H., Hekel, U. (2011)

Wasserhaltung für die Baugrube der neuen Schleuse in Bolzum – Anwendung der Beobachtungsmethode in einem Kluftgrundwasserleiter

BAW-Mitteilungen Nr. 93, BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe

Osberghaus, T., Schlabach, E. (2011)

Arbeitshilfe zum Umgang mit großflächig erhöhten Schadstoffgehalten im Boden

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Portune, T., Karg, F. (2011)

Dynamisierung eines aeroben und anaeroben mikrobiellen Abbaus von im Grundwasser gelösten Teerölinhaltsstoffen durch Bio-Air Sparging an einem teerölverarbeitenden Standort in Hanau

altlasten spektrum 06/2011, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Saponaro, S., Careghini, A., Vezzoli, D., Franzetti, A., Gandolfi, I., Daghio, M., Bestetti, G. (2011)

Risanamento di acque sotterranee mediante BioBarriera: prove per la selezione di un materiale di riempimento

Morselli, L. (a cura di), Ecomondo, 9-12 Novembre 2011, Rimini, Italien

Woisnitza, M., Reuter, A., Hiester, U. (2011)

Thermische In-Situ-Sanierung (Pilotversuch) am Beispiel „ehem. Lederfabrik Berninger“ in Idstein

Altlasten-Annual 2011, Seminar Altlasten und Schadensfälle am 24./25.05.2011 in Wetzlar, Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Wiesbaden


Servida, D., Moroni, M., Ravagnani, D., Rodeghierom, F., Venerandim, I., De Capitanim, L., Grieco, G. (2010)

Phreatic sulphide-bearing quartz breccias between Crystalline Basement and Collio Formation (Southern Alps, Italy)

Italian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp. 223-236 (DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2010.03), ISPRA, Italy

Karg, F., Hintzen, U., Suttka, R., Balouet, J-C. (2010)

Anwendung von Forensik-Techniken: Dendrochronologie zur Altersbestimmung von Schadenseintritten und Schadstoffmigrationen bei Altlasten

Tagungsband zum Symposium „Strategien zur Boden- und Grundwassersanierung“, DECHEMA, 30.11. – 01.12.2010, Frankfurt am Main

Karg, F. (2010)

Green Remediation by Dynamization of Natural Bio-Reactors for Degradation of PAH, BTEX, HCH and chlorinated Solvents: Case Studies in France and Germany

Tagungsband zum Kongress SARCLE 2010: Sustainable Approaches in Remediation of Contaminated Land in Europe, 08. – 10.06.2010,Gent , Belgien

Lotti, A., Balestrini, R., Arese, C., Delconte, C. A., Passatore, L. (2010)

Circolazione dell’azoto in Val Masino: studi condotti in ambienti di alta quota

Analisi spazio‐temporali: dinamiche e processi a confronto, XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia S. IT. E.: Dalle Vette Alpine alle Profonditá Marine, 15. ‐ 18. September 2009, Vol. 57(2), Bozen, Italien

Marescotti, P., Azzali, E., Servida, D., Carbone, C., Grieco, G., De Capitani, L., Lucchetti, G. (2010)

Mineralogical and geochemical spatial analyses of a waste-rock dump at the Libiola Fe-Cu sulphide mone (Eastern Liguria, Italy)

Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 187-199 (DOI: 10.1007/s12665-009-0335-7), Springer International Publishing AG

AFSSET, Karg, F., et al. (2010)

Valeurs toxicologiques de référence (VTR) pour les substances cancérogènes

Rapport de la groupe de travail “Valeurs Toxicologiques de Référence Cancérogènes (GT VTR Cancer)” de l’AFSSET, Saisine n°2004/AS16, Maisons-Alfort Cedex, Frankreich

Grimski, D., König, M., Espenlaub, B., Lepke, T. (2010)

Sanierungspläne im Flächenrecycling – Ein Instrument für die Bauleitplanung

Hrsg.: Umweltbundesamt, Dessau und HPC AG, Freiburg

Hekel, U. (verantwortlicher Redakteur) (2010)

GDA-Empfehlung E 1-1: „Geotechnische Standortuntersuchung“

Empfehlungen des AK 6.1 (Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke) der Fachsektion 6 der DGGT Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V., Essen

Hekel, U. (verantwortlicher Redakteur) (2010)

GDA-Empfehlung E 1-2 „Probennahmen zur Standortuntersuchung“

Empfehlungen des AK 6.1 (Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke) der Fachsektion 6 der DGGT Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V., Essen

Hekel, U. (verantwortlicher Redakteur) (2010)

GDA-Empfehlung E 1-3 „Geophysikalische Standortuntersuchung“

Empfehlungen des AK 6.1 (Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke) der Fachsektion 6 der DGGT Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V., Essen


Osberghaus, T. (2009)

Sanierung der Hirschackergrube

TerraTech 3-4/2009, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz

Servida, D., Grieco, G., De Capitani, L. (2009)

Geochemical hazard evaluation of sulphide-rich iron mines: The Rio Marina district (Elba Island, Italy)

Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 100, Issue 1, pp. 75-89 (DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.03.005), ScienceDirect of Elsevier B.V.

Treskatis, C., Hein, C., Pfeiffer, S., Herrmann, F. (2009)

Brunnenalterung: Sind Glaskugeln eine Alternative zum Filterkies nach DIN 4924?

bbr Fachmagazin für Leitungsbau, Brunnenbau und Geothermie, Ausgabe 04/2009: S. 36-44, Bonn

Dor, F., Karg, F., Robin-Vigneron, L. (2009)

Recensement et identification des menaces environnementales pour la santé publique

Environnement, Risques & Santé, Vol. 8, numéro 6, 11-12/2009, Montrouge, Frankreich

Dor, F., Karg, F., Robin-Vigneron, L. (2009)

Recensement et identification des menaces environnementales pour la santé publique

Institut de Veille Sanitaire (Hrsg.), Saint-Maurice, Frankreich

Ertel, T., Dörr, H., Blessing, M., Hansel, H., Philipps, R., Reber, M., Schöndorf, T. (2009)

Forensische Verfahren in der Altlastenbearbeitung

Schriftenreihe altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V., Heft 14, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart

Euler, B., Kemmesies, O. (2009)

Simulationsprogramme für die computergestützte Sickerwasserprognose, Teil 1: Ergebnisse des Programmvergleichs

altlasten spektrum 03/2009, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Euler, B., Kemmesies, O. (2009)

Simulationsprogramme für die computergestützte Sickerwasserprognose, Teil 2: Auswirkungen von Vereinfachungen

altlasten spektrum 04/2009, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Karg, F., Hintzen, U. (2009)

Toxische Amine und heterozyklische Stickstoffverbindungen auf belasteten Standorten, Vorkommen, Umweltchemie und gesundheitliche Risiken

af-info 1/2009, altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart

Karg, F. (2009)

Sites pollués : Les bonnes pratiques en matière de diagnostique

Environnement et Technique, n° 286, 05/2009, Paris, Frankreich


Osberghaus, T. (2008)

Abbruchplanung. Eine Handlungshilfe für Bauherren

LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Schollenberger, U., Ertel, T., Ufrecht, W., Schäfer, W., Rothschink, P., Spitzberg, S., Hekel, U., Kirchholtes, H.-J., Gzyl, G., Kohout, P. (2008)

Integrale Grundwasseruntersuchung, Strategie und Technik – Handbuch mit Hinweisen zur Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Immissionspumpversuchen

Amt für Umweltschutz Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart

Widmann, S., Karg, F., Hintzen, U., Portune, T. (2008)

Fallbeispiel PAK-Schadensfall

Altlasten-annual 2007, Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Wiesbaden

Euler, B., Kemmesies, O., Gräber, P.-W. (2008)

2D-Modelling of Flow Processes in the Unsaturated Zone of Wetlands

in: Proceedings on the International Conference on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change, March 19-22 2008, Jaipur, Indien

Ertel, T., Schollenberger, U., with main contributions by Gzyl, G., Gzyl, J., Hekel, U., Irminski, W., Kirchholtes, H.-J., Kohout, P., Kotlarz, G., Ocelka, T., Rothschink, P., Schäfer, W., Schweiker, M., Spitzberg, S., Ufrecht, W., Wroblewska, M. (2008)

Handbook for Integral Groundwater Investigation

Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw 00-975, Polen

Hunger, S., Sims, J. T., Sparks, D. L. (2008)

Evidence for Struvite in Poultry Litter: Effect of Storage and Drying

Journal of Environmental Quality 37, Madison, USA

Karg, F., Hintzen, U. (2008)

Toxikologische Expositions-Risiko-Quantifizierung (TERQ) Standort- und nutzungsspezifische Bewertung und Sanierungszielermittlung

TerraTech 9/2008, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz

Karg, F. (2008)

Standort- und Nutzungsspezifische Bewertung und Sanierungszielermittlung per TERQ: Toxikologische Expositions-Risiko-Quantifizierung am Beispiel einer Chemie-Altlast

Tagungsband zum Österreichisch-Bayerisches Altlastensymposium 2008, Österreichischer Verein für Altlastenmanagement (ÖVA), Gesellschaft zur Altlastensanierung in Bayern (GAB mbH) (Hrsg.), 27. – 28.05.2008, Salzburg, Österreich

Karg, F. (2008)

Caractérisation du danger des substances sans seuil d’effet. Exposition aux faibles doses un défi pour l’évaluation et la gestion des risques pour l’homme et l’environnement

Nook of Abstracts: Colloque ARET: Association pour la Recherche en Toxicologie, 09.-10.06.2008, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2008)

Standort- und Nutzungsspezifische Bewertung und Sanierungszielermittlung per TERQ: Toxikologische Expositions-Risiko-Quantifizierung am Beispiel von Chemie-Altlasten

Book of Abstracts zum Colloque SGS Institut Fresenius am 08.07.2008 in Kölliken, Schweiz


Karg, F., Hintzen, U., Portune, T., Domalski, R. (2007)

Feldtesterfahrungen zur Anwendung der DNBA (Dynamisierte Natural Bio-Attenuation) zur Prozessoptimierung: Standort Rütgers Chemicals AG, Hanau

altlasten spektrum 02/2007, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Karg, F., Hintzen, U., Portune, T., Domalski, R. (2007)

Groundwater Treatment by Dynamized Natural Bio-Attenuation. Case Study: HAH, BTEX, PAH

Tagungsband zum 9. Symposium Natural Attenuation, DECHEMA, 21. – 22.11.2007, Frankfurt am Main

Karg, F., Hintzen, U. (2007)

Umweltchemie und gesundheitliche Risiken von toxischen Aminen und heterozyklischen Stickstoffverbindungen auf belasteten Standorten

altlasten spektrum 05/2007, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Nitsch, B., Kemmesies, O., Gräber, P.-W. (2007)

Anwendung synthetischer Niederschlagszeitreihen bei der Strömungssimulation in der ungesättigten Bodenzone

Wittmann, J., Wohlgemuth, V. (Hrsg.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, ASIM Workshop 2007, Shaker-Verlag, Berlin

Ringpfeil, M., Gerhardt, M., Zittwitz, M., Beckmann, A., Geistlinger, H., Schirmer, M., Martienssen, M. (2007)

Verfahren und Anordnung zur Direktgasinjektion für die Sanierung von kontaminierten Böden und/oder Grundwasserleitern sowie ein entsprechendes Computerprogramm und ein entsprechendes computerlesbares Speichermedium

Fakultät 4 Umweltwissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik / LS Biotechnologie der Wasseraufbereitung der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität, Patent DE 10 2005 056 192.A1, Cottbus-Senftenberg

Beckmann, A., Gerhardt, M., Zittwitz, M., Martienssen, M., Krieg, R., Geistlinger, H. (2007)

Das OXYWALL-Projekt: Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur Direktgasinjektion von Sauerstoff zur in situ Sanierung von organisch kontaminierten Grundwässern

altlasten spektrum 04/2007, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Euler, B., Kemmesies, O., Gräber, P.-W. (2007)

Optimierung von Rekultivierungsschichten von Bergbaufolgelandschaften mittels SiWaPro DSS

in: Proceedings des Internationalen Bergbausymposiums WISMUT 10.-12.09.2007, Gera

Euler, B., Gräber, P.-W., Kemmesies, O. (2007)

Strömungssimulation in Deponieabdeckungsschichten zur Wasserhaushaltsbilanzierung

in: Proceedings zum 17. Karlsruher Deponie- und Altlastenseminar, Karlsruhe

Gaki, E., Banou, S., Ntigkakis, D., Andreadakis, A., Borboudaki, K., Drakopoulou, S., Manios, T. (2007)

Qualitative monitoring of tertiary treated wastewater reuse extensive distribution system: total coliforms number and residual chlorine concentration

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, Vol. 42, Issue 5: 601-611, Taylor & Francis Online

Heinzel, M., Goller, E., König, M., Eichler, B., Osberghaus, T. (2007)

Chance Flächenrecycling – Zukunft ohne Altlasten, Ratgeber für Kommunen und Investoren

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), Augsburg


Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contaminations. Les Bâtiments pollués par le plomb, les huiles, les fréons et les peintures anti-corrosion

Environnement et Technique, n° 256, 05/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contaminations. Les bois collés et bois traités toxiques dans l’habitat

Environnement et Technique, n° 257, 06/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contaminations. La mérule et sa jurisprudence

Environnement et Technique, n° 258, 07-08/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contaminations. Les risques liés au Radium et au Radon

Environnement et Technique, n° 259, 09/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contamination. Légionelles.

Environnement et technique, n° 260, 10/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F., Zeilas C. (2006)

Bâtiments et contaminations. Les retardateurs de flammes toxiques

Environnement et Technique, n° 262, 12/2006, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2006)

Immobilienmanagement bei kontaminierten Standorten mit Hilfe der TERQ (Toxikologische Expositions-Risiko-Quantifizierung): Erfahrungen im EU-Raum: Beispiel Frankreich

Tagungsband: Bodenschutz – die europäische Dimension, 4. Marktredwitzer Bodenschutztage, 29.- 31.05.2006, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz, Marktredwitz

Karg, F. (2006)

Risk Assessment Methodology for Military Pollutants and Toxic Metabolites on Future Residential Sites

Session Abstracts on the ISEE/ISEA 2006 Conference on Environmental Epidemiology & Exposure, 02.- 04.09.2006, Paris, Epidemiology, Volume 17, Issue 6, Altlanta, USA

Karg, F., Robin-Vigneron, L., Hintzen U., Grauf, T., Olk, C. (2006)

TERQ Toxikologische Expositions-Risiko-Quantifizierung: die standortspezifische Gefährdungsbewertung und Sanierungszieldefinition unter Berücksichtigung der Vielstoffbetrachtung – Beispiel: Standort RAG-Rütgers Chemicals in Oberhausen-Gefahrschwellenmanagement im Vollzug

Franzius, V. et al. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Altlastensanierung und Flächenmanagement, Verlag Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg

Karg, F., Robin-Vigneron, L., Hintzen U., Grauf, T., Olk, C. (2006)

TERQ Toxikologische Expositionsrisiko-Quantifizierung: Die standortspezifische Gefährdungsbewertung und Sanierungszieldefinition unter Berücksichtigung der Vielstoffbetrachtung – Beispiel: Standort RAG-Rütgers Chemicals in Oberhausen

altlasten spektrum 12/2006, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin


Karg, F. (2006)

Real Estate and Property Management of Contaminated Sites based on Health Risk Assessments

Handbook ConSoil 2005, 04.10.2005, Bordeaux, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2005)

Sites pollués: Méthodologie de la prise en compte des critères de choix pour les démarches de réhabilitation

Environnement & Technique, n° 244, 03/2005, Paris, Frankreich

Kemmesies, O., Blankenburg, R., Gräber, P.-W. (2005)

Development of SiWaPro DSS for Computer aided Leachate Forecast

Proceedings of the 9th International FZK/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems ConSoil 2005, Bordeaux, Frankreich

Kemmesies, O., Blankenburg, R. (2005)

Development of SiWaPro-DSS for Computer aided Seepage Prognosis

Simulation in Wider Europe, 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2005, Riga, Lettland

Kemmesies, O., Blankenburg, R. (2005)

SiWaPro DSS: A Tool for Computer Aided Forecasts of Leachate Concentrations

Proceedings of 19th Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS. Vol. 1. No. 04.06.2005, Riga, Lettland

Karg, F. (2005)

Polluted Sites and Management of Environmental Liabilities

Tagungsband zur INTERSOL 2005, Centre des Congrès – Cité des Sciences, 19.-21.04.2005, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2005)

Quelles techniques de réhabilitation pour les sites pollués?

Hexagone Environnement, Vol. 55, Septembre 2005, p. 38-42, Paris, Frankreich

Blankenburg, R., Kemmesies, O., Gräber, P.-W. (2005)

SiWaPro DSS – a helpful software to simulate the behavior of MTBE in the unsaturated zone

Proceedings of the Symposium on Experience of Oil Contamination and Remediation in Japan and the EU, September 2005, Tokio, Japan

Geistlinger, H., Beckmann, A., Lazik, D. (2005)

Mass transfer between a multi-component trapped gas phase and a mobile water phase: experiment and theory

Water Resources Research, Vol. 41 (11), W11408, Wiley Online Library

Hahn, R., Kern, F., König, M., Osberghaus, T., Weiller-Schäfer, M. (2005)

Kursbuch Altlasten Baden-Württemberg

Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe


Gropper, H., Kohler, W., Kohlmeier, E., Schöndorf, T., Schrenk, V., Wabbels, D. (2004)

Ökobilanzierung von Altlastensanierungsverfahren

Schriftenreihe altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg e. V., Heft 9, Stuttgart

Hunger, S., Cho, H. Sims, J.T., Sparks, D.L. (2004)

Direct speciation of phosphorus in a lumamended poultry litter: A solid – state 31P – NMR investigation

Environmental Science and Technology 38, Washington, USA

Karg, F. (2004)

Environmental Chemistry of Military Pollutants & toxic Metabolites and associated Health Risk Assessments

Conference Announcements: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 9th FECS Conference on Chemistry and Environment, 30.04. 2004, Bordeaux, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2004)

Gestion du Passif Environnemental. Détermination du passif environnemental et gestion des risques

Environnement & Technique, n° 234, 03/2004, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2004)

Sites et Eaux Souterraines Polluées. Des traitements économiques par bio-attenuation naturelle dynamisée

Environnement & Technique, n° 242, 12/2004, Paris, Frankreich


Karg, F. (2003)

Dépollution par biotechnologie génétique: La bio-atténuation naturelle dynamisée (Band)

Environnement & Technique, n° 231, 11/2003, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2003)

La chimie environnementale et risques sanitaires des sites pollués par les amines toxiques

Environnement & Technique, n° 225, 04/2003, Paris, Frankreich

Manios, T., Gaki, E., Banou, S., Klimathianou, A., Abramakis, N., Sakkas, N. (2003)

Closed wastewater cycle in a meat producing and processing industry

Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 38, Issue 4: 335-345, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Range, U. (2003)

Deponie im Griff – Einsatz von Geo-Informationssystemen zur Verwaltung und Nachsorge von Deponien

ESRI arcaktuell 2/2003, ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH, Kranzberg


Karg, F. (2002)

Sites pollués par les Armes Chimiques: Impact des contaminations graves oubliées et redécouvertes

Environnement & Technique, n° 219 – 09/2002, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2002)

Sols pollués. Protection du foncier contre les risques de pollution: Les bonnes règles contre les risques financiers, juridiques, sanitaires et environnementaux

Environnement & Technique, n° 221, 11/2002, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2002)

The Consideration of Environmental Chemistry of Toxic Compounds in Health Risk Assessments (HRA)

Book of Abstracts: EMEC3, 3rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Association of Chemistry and the Environment, 11.-14.12.2002, Genf, Schweiz

Karg, F. (2002)

Toxic Metabolites from Explosives & Chemical Warfare Agents on Polluted Sites and their consideration for Health Risk Assessments

Book of Abstracts: EMEC3, 3rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Association of Chemistry and the Environment, 11.-14.12.2002, Genf, Schweiz

Münstermann, D. (2002)

Sanierung der Sondermülldeponie in Ramat Hovav, Israel

Beratende Ingenieure, Zeitschrift des internationalen Consultings, Heft 32, 4: 18-21. Springer-Verlag, Düsseldorf

Pickel, H.-J. (2002)

Die Tätigkeit des Sachverständigen für Altlasten und sonstige kontaminierte Bereiche

Praxishandbuch Sachverständigenrecht, 3. vollst. überarbeitete Auflage, Verlag C.H. Beck, München

Herb, P., Gräber, P. – W., Kemmesies, O. (2002)

COMBESICK – A Computer-based Decision Support System for Seepage Prognosis

in: Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation, 44th thematic issue, Riga, Lettland

Karg, F. (2002)

Évaluation des risques sanitaires en cas de pollution côtière et marine

Environnement & Technique, n° 214, 03/2002, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2002)

Gestion immobilière et urbanisation des sites pollués

Environnement & Technique, n° 216, 05/2002, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2002)

Gestion immobilière et urbanisation des sites pollués

Le Catalogue Techniques pour l’Environnement, Mai 2002, No. 12, Frankreich


Karg, F. (2001)

Pollution des Sols. Sites militaires et de l’industrie ancienne de l’armement: Les pollutions par les explosifs et leurs métabolites toxiques

Environnement & Technique, n° 204, 03/2001, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2001)

Pollution Des Sols. Les Hydrocarbures: La complexité des polluants les plus courants

Environnement & Technique n° 206, 05/2001, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2001)

Sols Pollués. Pesticides – Sites pollués d’une echelle supérieur

Environnement & Technique, n° 209, 09/2001, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2001)

Pollution. Eaux, sols et sites pollués par des substance organo-chlorées

Environnement & Technique, n° 210, 10/2001, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2001)

Sites pollués par les métaux lourds: Les pollutions les plus

Environnement & Technique, n° 212, 12/2001, Paris, Frankreich

Tomschi, H.P., Eckart, M., Pickel, H.-J. (2001)

Management and Clean up of Ground- and Surface Waters Polluted with Radionuclides, as a Result of Uranium Mining Activities in the Buhovo Area, Bulgaria

Proceedings of the International Conference SGEM, 03.-09. June 2001, Varna, Bulgarien

Bütow, E., Krafft, H., Lüdecke, J., Rüger, M. (2001)

Gefährdungspotenzial von undichten Kanälen bei industriellen und gewerblichen Grundstücksentwässerungsleitungen und die Ableitung von Empfehlungen zur Revitalisierung defekter Entwässerungsleitungen

Umweltbundesamt Texte 64/01, Berlin

Dornbusch, M., Lehle, M., Eichler, B. (2001)

Boden und Fläche in der Lokalen Agenda 21

LfU Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.), Karlsruhe

Eckart, M., Pickel, H.-J., Tomschi, H. P., Unland, W. (2001)

BOX MODEL. A Modelling Tool for Water Management at Underground Mines and Strongly Inhomogeneous Groundwater Systems

Proceedings of the International Conference SGEM, 03.-09. Juni 2001, Varna, Bulgarien

Eisele, G., Schöck, J., Gleim, W., Krzywon, H., König, M., Eichler, B., Espenlaub, B. (2001)

Arbeitshilfe Planungssicherheit beim Flächenrecycling – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Haftungs- und Finanzierungsfragen

Forschungsbericht FZKA-BW-PLUS, LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe


Karg, F., Huglo,C., Coupé, J., Debakre, G. (2000)

Evaluation détaillée des risques pour la santé dans les études, d’impact et sur des sites pollués – Réalisation technique et scientifique approche juridique

Déchets Sciences et Techniques, n° 19, 3. Quartal 2000, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2000)

Sites et sols pollués. Sites pollués par des substances radioactives – L’impact des petites doses

Environnement & Technique, n° 200, 10/2000, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2000)

Sites pollués. L’arsénic sur les sites pollués: La spéciation est primordiale

Environnement & Technique, n° 196, 05/2000, Paris, Frankreich

Karg, F. (2000)

Evaluation détaillée des risques pour la santé sur des sites pollués

Environnement & Technique, n° 197, 06/2000, Paris, Frankreich


Giese, R., Gruhne, M., Kemmesies, O., Landrock, M. (1999)

Laborative Parameterermittlung von Mehrphasenströmungsprozessen

Proceedings des Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V., Heft 11, Dresden

Kobberger, G., Schmincke, H.-U. (1999)

Deposition of rheomorphic ignimbrite D (Mogán Formation), Gran Canaria, Spain

Bulletin of Volcanology, Volume 60, Issue 6: 465-485, Springer Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg

Lautner, P., König, M., Weidemann, R., Mayer-Föll, R. (1999)

Entwicklung eines benutzerfreundlichen Fachinformationssystems im Rahmen des Umweltinformationssystems Baden-Württemberg

altlasten spektrum 02/1999, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Schöndorf, T., Egli, M., Biester, H., Mailahn, W., Rotard, W. (1999)

Distribution, Bioavailability and Speciation of Mercury in Contaminated Soil and Groundwater of a Former Wood Impregnation Plant

Ebinghaus, R. et al. (Hrsg.): Mercury Contaminated Sites: Characterization, Risk Assessment and Remediation, Environmental Science Book Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg

Sträßner, P., Gminder, L.-E., Müller, R. (1999)

Optimierung des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Polyvinylalkohol (PVA) in einer Modellkläranlage

Gas und Wasserfach, Wasser/Abwasser 140 Jg., Nr. 4, S. 280 – 285, München

Thewes, U., Czwielong, V., Knüpfer, J. (1999)

Reintegration einer Industriebrache

Beratende Ingenieure, Zeitschrift des internationalen Consultings, Bd.28, Nr.1/2, Springer VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf

Finger, P., Fritz, J., Hekel, U., Kolb, T., Kowalewski, J., Krapp, L., Wagner, R., Salomo, K. – P. (1999)

Bestimmung der Gebirgsdurchlässigkeit in schwach durchlässigem Untergrund (Geologische Barriere)

Bautechnik 76. Jg./ 9. Empfehlungen des AK 6.1 (Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke) der Fachsektion 6 der DGGT Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V., Essen

Holzwarth, W., Beraza, F., Munia, B. (1999)

Environmental aspects in the construction and exploitation of security landfills for HCH waste and HCH contaminated soil

Proceedings of the 5th International Forum on HCH and Pesticides, Bilbao, Spanien

Karg, F. (1999)

Environmental chemistry, investigation and assessment of ammunition residues and military sites

BIODEPOL ’99 – European Symposium: Biotechnology in Environmental Protection, 27. – 28. Oktober 1999, Rennes, Frankreich

Karg, F. (1999)

Sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents: Technical approaches associated with toxic metabolites

Environnement et Technique, n° 192, 12/1999, Paris, Frankreich


Bansleben, V., Marell, D. (1998)

Auswahl geeigneter Entsorger

Leidinger, B. (Hrsg.): Risk Management in der Entsorgung, S. 34-46, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Brod, M., Heinz, M., Hekel, U. (1998)

Memory-Effekte bei hydraulischen Versuchen in Geringleitern

Wasserwirtschaft 88. Jg./12: S. 634-638, Wiesbaden

Holzwarth, W., Beraza, F., Munia, B. (1998)

Descontaminación de un suelo industrial contaminado por compuestos halogenados volátiles, mediante la tecnica de extracción de gases del suelo

Actas del V Congreso de Ingenieria Ambiental, PROMA, Bilbao, Spanien

Holzwarth, W., Beraza, F., Munia, B. (1998)

Investigación de un suelo industrial contaminado con compuestos halogenados volátiles

Actas del Congreso “Progresso en la Investigación en Zona no Saturada”, Pág. 69-79, Huelva, Spanien

Klaassen, S., Pickel, H.-J. (1998)

Ressourcenmanagement mit Hilfe von Flächeninformationssystemen

Der Mineralbrunnen 3/1998, S. 70-73, Bad Godesberg

Lautner, P., Weidemann, R., Witt-Hock, J. (1998)

Anforderungen an ein hypermediales Umwelt-Fachinformationssystem

Riekert, W.-F., Tochtermann, K. (Hrsg.): Hypermedia im Umweltschutz: 1. Workshop, Ulm 1998, Metropolis Verlag, Weimar


Viola, C. , Gerini, A. (1997)

Guida Pratica sulla contaminazione del Sottosuolo da idrocarburi

ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 3: 61-68, Settembre 1997, Rom, Italien

Hekel, U. (1997)

Qualitätssicherung bei Pumpversuchen und hydraulischen Tests – Erfahrungen mit der simultanen Versuchsauswertung

Wasserwirtschaft, 87. Jg., Heft 10, S. 474-478, Wiesbaden

Karg, F. (1997)

Research into the environmental chemistry, investigation and assessment of ammunition residues and military sites

Land Contamination & Reclamation, Vol. 5 (2), EPP Publications, London, Großbritannien

Karg, F. , Clement, M. (1997)

Méthodologie systématique du diagnostic et de la réhabilitation des sites et sols pollués par les explosifs

Revue scientifique et technique de la défense–DGA, Vol. 2, Paris, Frankreich

Lautner, P. (1997)

Complete registration of suspected hazardous sites – methodology developed by the German state of Baden-Württemberg

Proceedings of ECO-INFORMA ’97, October 6 – 9, 1997, Environmental Data Handling, Risk and Impact Assessment, Eco-Informa, Vol. 12, Bayreuth

Lautner, P. (1997)

Entwicklung einer für Lettland angepaßten Erhebungsmethodik

Handbuch Altlasten und Grundwasserschadensfälle 27: Statusbericht Altlasten, 10 Jahre Altlastenbearbeitung in Baden-Württemberg, Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

Eichler, B., Böhm, M. (1997)

Genehmigungsverfahren für Kiesabbauvorhaben – Verfahrensablauf an zwei Beispielen

Böcker, R., Kohler, A. (Hrsg.): Abbau von Bodenschätzen und Wiederherstellung der Landschaft, 29. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung, S. 199-292, Verlag Günter Heimbach, Ostfildern


Pickel, H.-J., Haase, W., Fuchs, A. (1996)

Geomanagement im Spiegel der geotechnica ‘95

Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung (Hrsg.): Von den Ressourcen zum Recycling, S. 155-161, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin

Blanc, R., Karg, F. (1996)

Réhabilitation de l’ancienne usine à gaz de Grand-Quevilly (Seine Maritime)

Kongressbuch des 113. Congrès du Gaz am 10.-13. September 1996 in Paris, Frankreich

Brüggemann, S., Klein-Reesink, J. (1996)

Sicherung/Sanierung einer tieferreichenden Teerölverunreinigung auf dem Gelände eines ehemaligen Holzimprägnierwerkes in Dormagen-Stürzelberg

Tagungsband zum Kongress Grundwassersanierung 1996, S. 196-219, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Giese, R., Kemmesies, O. (1996)

Laborative Untersuchungen zur Hydraulik dreier nichtmischbarer Fluide (Wasser, Diesel, Luft) im Untergrund

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 79, S. 27-30, Oldenburg

Kemmesies, O., Luckner, L. (1996)

An Inverse Problem for Porous Medium Equation

Gottlieb, J., DuChateau, P. (Hrsg.): Parameter identification and inverse problems in hydrology, geology, and ecology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Pawlak, S. (1996)

Ökobilanzielle Betrachtungen zur Grundwassersanierung von CKW-Schäden mittels UV-Oxidation und Stripping

Kiefer, K.-W. (Hrsg.): Grundwasserschadensfälle durch Bodenkontaminationen, Eberhard Blottner Verlag, Taunusstein

Pickel, H.-J. (1996)

Die Tätigkeit des Sachverständigen für Altlasten und sonstige kontaminierte Bereiche

Praxishandbuch Sachverständigenrecht: 732-754, Verlag C. H. Beck, München


Klaassen, S., Scheele, B. (1995)

Modellierung der potentiellen Grundwasserneubildung für den Umlandverband Frankfurt mit der Rasterdatenverarbeitung

Tagungsband zur 3. Deutschen Anwenderkonferenz vom 13. – 15.03.1995 in Freising

Klaassen, S., Scheele, B. (1995)

Modellierung der potentiellen Grundwasserneubildung für den Umlandverband Frankfurt

Wasser und Boden, Heft 10, Blackwell Verlag, Berlin

Klaassen, S., Scheele, B. (1995)

Potentielle Grundwasserneubildung, Zusammenhänge und Bewertungen

Voraussetzungen für angepasste Nutzungskonzepte in der Landschaftsplanung, Umlandverband Frankfurt

Kobberger, G., Zulauf, G. (1995)

Experimental folding and boudinage under pure constrictional conditions

Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 17, Issue 7: 1055-1063, Elsevier, München

Leibenath, C., Kemmesies, O. (1995)

Schutz bebauter Gebiete gegen aufgehendes Grundwasser am Beispiel der Lausitzer Bergbaufolgelandschaft

Proceedings des Dresdner Grundwasserforschungszentrum e.V., Heft 8, Dresden

Pickel, H.-J., Haase, W., Fuchs, A. (1995)

Geomanagement im Spiegel der geotechnica ‘95

Die Geowissenschaften, 13. Jahrgang, 5-6/1995, S. 190-192, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin

Schöndorf, T., Heinrichsmeier, K., Biester, H., Achstetter, U. (1995)

Neue Wege und Erfahrungen bei der Erkundung einer Bodenbelastung durch Quecksilber in einer Wohnsiedlung

TerraTech 5/1995, Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH, Mainz

Bonilla, R., Patxi, B., Barcenilla, A., Zubiaga, R. (1995)

Análisis de riesgos en suelos contaminados. Evaluación de modelos y sistemas expertos

Ingeniería química, No 315, 121-127, Madrid, Spanien

Börner, F., Gruhne, M., Kemmesies, O. (1995)

Using Complex Conductivity Measurements to Monitor Multiphase Hydraulic Lab Tests

Proceedings of 1st Meeting Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EEGS), Turin, Italien

Fischer, C., Heinecker, C., Nahold, M., Pawlak, S. (1995)

Bodenluftabsaugung als Sanierungsmöglichkeit bei Altlasten

Gossow, V. (Hrsg.): Altlastensanierung, 2. neubearb. und erw. Auflage, Bauverlag, Wiesbaden und Berlin


Kemmesies, O., Luckner, L. (1994)

Prozeßmodellierung und Parameteridentifikation von Zweiphasenströmungsprozessen in porösen Medien

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 74, S. 281-284, Oldenburg

Leibenath, C., Kemmesies, O. (1994)

Application of a Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Model for Simulation of Aquifer Remediation Concepts

Proceedings of the Workshop on Hydrogeology/Environmental Geology Modelling, August, 21-27th, Zdarske Vrchy, Tschechien

Pamo, J., Holzwarth, W. (1994)

Investigación y saneamiento de los suelos contaminados por residuos de la fabricación de lindano en un centro commercial de Barakaldo

Actas deI Congreso Internacional de Suelos Contaminados, Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Urbanismo, Vivienda y Medio Ambiente, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spanien

Pamo, J., Holzwarth, W. (1994)

Investigación y saneamiento de terrenos afectados por liquidos contaminantes

Actualidas técnica de Ingenieria Civil, Mineria, Geologia y Medio Ambiente (INGEORES), No 24, Madrid, Spanien

Voland, B., Kluge, A., Schlenker, U., Hoppe, T., Metzner, I., Klemm, W., Bombach, G. (1994)

Einschätzung der Schwermetallbelastung der Böden von Ballungsgebieten: Arsen, Blei und Cadmium

Internationale Expertenbeiträge und Resümee der DECHEMA-Arbeitsgruppe, Bewertung von Gefährdungspotentialen im Bodenschutz, DECHEMA, Frankfurt am Main

Assmann, W., Gebel, J., Ickler, R., Moss, G. (1994)

Leachate clean-up run on energy from leachate gas disposal

Waste Management and Recycling International 1994, Sterling Publications Limited: 67-70, London, Großbritannien

Heinecker, C., Pickel, H.-J., Samtleben, R. (1994)

Pneumatische Dekontamination aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe im Kapillarsaum

IWS Schriftenreihe, 19: 269-279, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Hekel, U. (1994)

Hydrogeologische Erkundung toniger Festgesteine am Beispiel des Opalinustons (Unteres Aalenium)

Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten C18: 170 S., Tübingen

Holzwarth, W. (1994)

Estrado actual de la técnica en la construcción de vertederos de RTP

Actas del Seminario sobre Medio Ambiente: Residuos Tóxicos y Peligrosos, G.S.A. Gestión Medio Ambiental, S.L. Bilbao, Spanien

Holzwarth, W., Pamo, J. (1994)

Tecnologías para la recuperación de suelos contaminados

Actas del Curso de Postgado de Medio Ambiente del Centro Politécnico Superior de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spanien


Munk, C. (1993)

Geologische und hydrogeologische Untersuchungen von Standorten: Die Hauptlast trägt der Untergrund

Entsorga – Magazin für Entsorgungswirtschaft 12, 5: 146-152, Frankfurt/Main

Pamo, J., Holzwarth, W. (1993)

Investigación y saneamiento de los suelo contaminados por hidrocarburos en estaciones de servicio

Actas del Programa de Conferencias de la Exposición Internacional de la Estación de Servicio, Valencia, Spanien

Karg, F. (1993)

Determination of phenylurea pesticides in water by derivatization with heptafluorobuturic anhydrid and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry

Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 634, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Karg, F., Koss, D. (1993)

Rüstungsaltlasten – Untersuchungen zur Umweltchemie, Kontaminations-Erkundung und -Bewertung

UWSF-Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Vol. 5 (4), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg

Lühr, H.-P., Pickel, H.-J. (1993)

Vorsorge im Umweltschutz. Eine technische und naturwissenschaftliche (Heraus-)Forderung für unsere Gesellschaft

Die Geowissenschaften, 11. Jahrgang, 5-6/1993, S. 175-179, Weinheim

Marell, D. (1993)

Grundsätzliche Sanierungsverfahren für Grundwasser und Boden bei Kontaminationen durch leichtflüchtige Schadstoffe

Bund der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau (BWK) e.V. 2: 80-90, Wiesbaden

Diederich, F., Thomsen, E., Willmund, H.-C. (1993)

Sedimentäre Entwicklungsmuster und ihre Bedeutung für Entstehung und Bewirtschaftung von Grundwasserleitern

Geologica et Palaeontologica, Sediment ’93, Kurzfassungen: 1-25, Marburg

Greving, A., Heinecker, C., Pickel, H.-J. (1993)

Optimierung hydraulischer Sanierungsmaßnahmen bei heterogener Schadstoffverteilung in Porengrundwasserleitern

IWS Schriftenreihe Band 18: Kongreß Grundwassersanierung 1993 im Rahmen der UTECH Berlin: S. 173-182, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin


Manassero, M., Viola, C. (1992)

Innovative Aspects of Leachate Containment with Composite Slurry Walls: A Case History

ASTM Symposium „Slurry walls: design, construction and quality control“, ASTM STP 1129: 181-193, Atlantic City, USA

Munk, C. (1992)

Erfahrung bei der Sanierung von mit Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffen belastetem Grundwasser im Bereich eines ehemaligen Raffineriegeländes

Bewertung und Sanierung mineralölkontaminierter Böden, 10. DECHEMA-Fachgespräch Umweltschutz, UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig

Munk, C., Pickel, H-J., Samtleben, R. (1992)

Erfahrungen bei der Sanierung von mit Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffen belastetem Grundwasser im Bereich eines ehemaligen Raffineriegeländes

IWS Schriftenreihe Band 15: Kongress Grundwassersanierung 1992 im Rahmen der UTECH Berlin: Erstellung von Sanierungsanordnungen – Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Sanierungskonzepten, S. 259-284, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Schlinkert, A. (1992)

Jahreszeitliche Dynamik der Inhaltsstoffe von Bodenlösungen aus A-Horizonten unterschiedlicher Böden in Abhängigkeit von Bewirtschaftungsweise und Standorteigenschaften

Bonner Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen, Band 7, INRES Lehr- und Forschungsbereich Bodenwissenschaften (Hrsg.), Bonn

Schöndorf, T., Achstetter, U., Bochem, P. (1992)

Preliminary hydrochemical and microbiological investigations to develop an in-situ biological remediation concept for soil contamination

Deutsche Gesellschft für Chemisches Apparatewesen et al. (Hrsg.): Soil Decontamination Using Biological Processes: International Symposium Karlsruhe 1992, Preprints, Karlsruhe

Harreß, H. M., Schöndorf, T. (1992)

Bodenluftabsaugung als Sanierungsmöglichkeit bei Altlasten

Gossow, V. (Hrsg.): Altlastensanierung, Bauverlag, Wiesbaden-Berlin

Hekel, U. (1992)

Forschungsprojekt „Gebirgseigenschaften mächtiger Tonsteinserien (FGmT)“

Geologisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.),Textband und Anlagenband, Freiburg i. Br.

Holzwarth, W., Pickel, H.-J. (1992)

Contaminacion del Agua subterrànea por compuestos organoclorados

Simposios tomo 2: 639 – 649, III Congreso Geológico de España y VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia, Salamanca, Spanien

Holzwarth, W., Pickel, H.-J., Gsellmann, H., Pamo Faure, J. (1992)

Propuesta metodológica para investigación del subsuelo contaminado por hidrocarburos

TechnoAmbiente, No 16: 41-44, Madrid, Spanien

Karg, F. (1992)

Mise en évidence de pesticides – phénylurée en CG-MS après dérivation par l’anhydride heptafluorobyturique

Analysis, Vol. 20, Suppl. av.n°7, Paris, Frankreich


Kopton, A. (1991)

Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten einer Umweltschutzpolitik marktwirtschaftlicher Prägung und ihre Bedeutung für die unternehmerische Planungsaufgabe

Veröffentlichungen der Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen

Böhm, M., Reiff, W., Wurm, F. (1991)

Eisenerzvorkommen und –gewinnung auf der östlichen Schwäbischen Alb

Blätter des Schwäbischen Albvereins, Heft 6, Tübingen

Gräber, P.-W., Gutt, B., Kemmesies, O., Arnold, W. (1991)

Einheitliche Window- und Schnittstellengestaltung für das Pre- und Postprocessing innerhalb der CAESoftware für Boden- und Grundwasserprozesse

Proceedings der 2. Dresdner Informatiktage, Ausgewählte Beiträge, Teil 1, S. 83-91, Dresden

Harreß, H. M., Munz, K.-H., Schöndorf, T. (1991)

Sanierungsverfahren in situ: Bodenluftabsaugung

Franzius et al. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Altlasten, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg


Hekel, U. (1990)

Zwischenergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Gebirgseigenschaften mächtiger Tonsteinserien“

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 141, S. 275-280, Hannover

Holzwarth, W. (1990)

Anordnung und Ausführung von Bodenluftabsaugbrunnen

Schriftenreihe Angewandte Geologie, 9. Jg., Heft 1: 159-173, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie, Universität Karlsruhe

Knüpfer, J. (1990)

Schnellverfahren für die Güteüberwachung mineralischer Deponiebasisabdichtungen

Mitteilung des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Heft 32, S. 1- 179, Braunschweig

Marell, D. (1990)

Erkundung und Sanierung von Untergrundverunreinigungen durch CKW (mit Fallbeispiel)

Hessische Landesanstalt f. Umwelt (Hrsg.): Überwachung der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit in Hessen, Umweltplanung, Arbeits- und Umweltschutz, 94: 100-128, Wiesbaden

Pickel, H.-J. (1990)

Erkennung und Behebung von Umweltbelastungen – Bodenverunreinigungen und Altlastensanierung

Zeitschrift für die ges. Versicherungswissenschaft 1/2: 111-125, Karlsruhe

Pickel, H.-J., Schäfer, D. (1990)

Verunreinigungen des Untergrundes und des Grundwassers durch wassergefährdende Stoffe

Hartmut Bruns (Hrsg.): Der Haftpflicht-Schaden, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e. V., Karlsruhe

Assmann, W., Pickel, H.-J. (1990)

Nitratreduzierung durch Anionenaustausch: Schnelle Verbesserung der Trinkwassergüte – Beispiel Hemeln, Stadt Hannover-Münden

Brunnenbau, Bau von Wasserwerken, Rohrleitungsbau, 42. Jg., Heft 2: 49-52, Verlag Rudolf Müller, Köln

Beckefeld, P., Knüpfer, J. (1990)

Untersuchung verfestigter Reststoffe aus der Rauchgasreinigung

Reimann, D. O. (Hrsg.): Beihefte zu Müll und Abfall, 29: 49-51, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

Belfiore, F., Viola, C. (1990)

Experiences in the Application of Soil Mechanics to Industrial Waste

ASTM Symposium „Geotechnics of Waste Fills“, ASTM STP 1070: 317-329, San Francisco, USA

Böhm, M., Pfeffer, K.-H. (1990)

Geoökologische Studien in der durch den Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl hoch kontaminierten Region südlich Tannheim/ Oberschwaben

Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten Reihe C, Nr. 7, S. 31-65, Universität Tübingen


Marell, D. (1989)

Untersuchung und Sanierung von Ölschäden

Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz (Hrsg.): Umweltschäden durch wassergefährdende Stoffe, S. 75-92, Mainz

Marell, D. (1989)

Das Rotliegende zwischen Odenwald und Taunus

Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (Hrsg.), Geol. Abh. Hessen, Heft 89: 1-128, Wiesbaden

Münstermann, D. (1989)

Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations and a long term survey concept for the construction of the new seaport at Emden at the German north sea coast

Proceedings of the 10th International SWIM Saltwater Intrusion Meeting, Ghent, Belgien

Lauterbach, M., Oleikiewitz, P., Reuter, F., Rüger, M., Suderlau, G. (1989)

Konzeption zur komplexen Erkundung des Einflusses der Tagebauentwässerung auf das Subrosionsgeschehen an Salzsätteln

Neue Bergbautechnik, 19. Jg., Heft 10: 381-386, Leipzig

Schöndorf, T., Gruhn, H. (1989)

Konzeption hydraulischer Sanierungsmaßnahmen bei Grundwasserschäden

Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz (Hrsg.): Umweltschäden durch wassergefährdende Stoffe, S. 29-50, Mainz

Voland, B, Metzner, I., (1989)

Geologische und geochemische Aspekte der Jodverteilung in Böden der DDR

Dempe, A., Bauch, K. (Hrsg.): Germed Sonderdruck, Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Stoffwechselkrankheiten der DDR, 2. Symposium „Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Probleme des Jodmangels, der Jodprophylaxe, des Jodexzesses und antithyreoidaler Substanzen“, VEB Berlin – Chemie: 58-60, Chemnitz

Voland, B., Metzner, I., Erler, C. (1989)

Methodische Aspekte der Jodverteilung in Böden der DDR

Dempe, A., Bauch, K. (Hrsg.): Germed Sonderdruck, Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Stoffwechselkrankheiten der DDR, 2. Symposium „Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Probleme des Jodmangels, der Jodprophylaxe, des Jodexzesses und antithyreoidaler Substanzen“, VEB Berlin – Chemie: 65-69, Chemnitz

Voland, B., Metzner, I., Kluge, A. (1989)

Complex geochemical investigations of soils on holocene sediments of floodplain and lowland areas

in: Anke, M., Baumnann, W., Bräunlich, H., Brückner, C., Groppel, B., Grün, M. (Hrsg:): 6th International Trace Element Symposium, Mo, V (1): 142-151, Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Manassero, M., Viola, C. (1989)

Design Aspects of a toxic Waste Landfill in an industrial Area

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: 1845- 1852, Rio de Janeiro, 13-18 August 1989, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Albert, L., Viola, C. (1989)

Il Ruolo della Geologia e della Geotecnica nel Recupero Ecologico-Ambientale di Cave per Inerti

VIA – Progettare nell’ambiente, No 9: 55-64, Bologna, Italien


Schöndorf, T., (1988):

Hydraulische Methoden zur Untersuchung und Sanierung von Grundwasserkontaminationen

Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz (Hrsg.): Umweltschäden durch wassergefährdende Stoffe, Schriftenreihe 217/89, S. 29-50, Mainz

Voland, B., Metzner, I. (1988)

Zur Selenverteilung in Böden der DDR. – 2. Mitteilung: Selen in Auenböden der Elbe

Anke, M., Brückner, C., Gürtler, H., Grün, M. (Hrsg.): Mengen und Spurenelemente 1988 (Arbeitstagung), 1: 46-53, Karl-Marx-Universität, Leipzig

Knüpfer, J. (1988)

Güteüberwachung mineralischer Deponiebasisabdichtungen mit Isotopensonden

Baustoffrecycling und Deponietechnik 9: 166-169, Baden-Baden

Köster, M., Holzwarth, W. (1988)

Der Einsatz von Prüfröhrchen zur Erfassung von Bodenkontaminationen durch leichtflüchtige Halogenkohlenwasserstoffe (LHKW)

Drägerwerk AG (Hrsg.): Drägerheft 341: 28-31, Lübeck

Meseck, H., Knüpfer, J. (1988)

Generelle Verfahren der Einkapselung von Altlasten – Überblick

Franzius et al. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Altlasten, Ordner 2: 1-15, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg

Meseck, H., Knüpfer, J. (1988)

The Bearing Behaviour of Historical Wooden Pile Foundations

Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Restoration and Maintenance of Infrastructures and Historical Monuments, November 29-December 2, 1988, Asian Institute of Technology, Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society, Bangkok, Thailand

Rüger, M. (1988)

Ingenieurgeologische Untersuchungen zum Subrosionsgeschehen an einem Salzsattel, verursacht durch die Tagebauentwässerung

Bericht zum Umweltschutz, Heft 7: 7-11, Bergakademie Freiberg

Schöndorf, T., Munz, K.-H. (1988)

Entfernung von polychlorierten Biphenylen aus belasteten Böden

Chemische Rundschau, Sonderausgabe Umweltschutz, Ausgabe 45, S. 18, Weinheim

Collotta, T., Moretti, P., Viola, C. (1988)

A Slope Instability Data Bank: Present Usefulness and future Developments

Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Landslides, Vol. 2: 887-896, Lausanne, Schweiz

Hekel, U. (1988):

Bestimmung der Grundwasserfließzeiten bis zu einer Fassungsanlage – Ein Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Erstellung von Bahnlinien- und Isochronenkarten

bbr Fachmagazin für Brunnen- und Leitungsbau, Ausgabe 10/1988, S. 436-448, Köln


Sicker, D., Böhlmann, W., Mann, G., Bendler, D. (1987)

A convenient Synthesis of novel 1,3,4-substituted 2-Pyrazoline-5-ones

Synthesis, Nr. 5: 493-495, Stuttgart

Voland, B., Metzner, I., Bombach, G. (1987)

Zur Selenverteilung in Böden der DDR

Anke, M., Brückner, C., Gürtler, H., Grün, M. (Hrsg.): Mengen und Spurenelemente 1987 (Arbeitstagung), 1: 1-10, Karl-Marx-Universität, Leipzig

Assmann, W., Pickel, H.-J., Schubuth, H. (1987)

Auswertung von Vertikalitätsmessungen bei tiefen Grundwassermessstellen in Lockergesteinen

Brunnenbau, Bau von Wasserwerken, Rohrleitungsbau, 38. Jg., Heft 4: 166 – 168, Köln

Behbehani, A. R.

Sedimentations- und Klimageschichte des Spät- und Postglazials im Bereich der nördlichen Kalkalpen (Salzkammergutseen, Österr.)

Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie Nr. 34 : 1-120, Selbstverlag der Geologischen Institute der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Harreß, H. M., Grathwohl, P., Torunski, H. (1987)

Natürliche Elimination von leichtflüchtigen Halogenkohlenwasserstoffen aus der Umwelt

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Ausgabe 138: 367-375, Hannover

Hennig, L., Bendler, D., Haeßner, R., Mann, G. (1987)

Azomethinfarbstoffbildung von 4-Yliden-2-pyrazolin-5-onen.

Zeitschrift für Chemie, Vol. 27, Issue 6, Leipzig

Meseck, H., Reuter, E., Knüpfer, J. (1987)

Ausführungsbeispiele mineralischer und kombinierter Abdichtungssysteme

Thomé-Kozminesky, K. J. (Hrsg): Deponie – Ablagerung von Abfällen, EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Berlin

Schöndorf, T., Herrmann, R. (1987)

Transport and Chemodynamics of Organic Micropollutants and Ions During Snowmelt

Nordic Hydrology 18: 254-278, Svalbard, Spitzbergen, Norwegen


Pickel, H.-J. (1986)

Der Säuerling reift im Vulkangestein – das Geologische Umfeld verleiht dem Wasser Würze

Rheinischer Merkur, Merkur-Extra, Ausgabe 39, Bonn

Pickel, H.-J., Schubotz, K.-W. (1986)

Methodik und Ergebnisse eines Soleeinleitungsversuches im Niestetal (Nordhessen)

Geol. Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 144: S. 277-286, Wiesbaden

Behbehani, A. R., Müller, J., Schmidt, R., Schneider, J., Schröder, H.-G., Stackenbrock, I., Sturm, M. (1986)

Sediments and Sedimentary History of Lake Attersee (Salzkammergut, Austria)

Hydrobiologia, Heft 143: S. 233-246, Dordrecht, Niederlande

Bruckner, F., Harreß, H.M., Hiller, D. (1986)

Die Absaugung der Bodenluft – ein Verfahren zur Sanierung von Bodenkontaminationen mit leichtflüchtigern chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen

Brunnenbau, Bau von Wasserwerken, Rohrleitungsbau, Heft 37: S. 3-8, Köln

Collotta, T., Viola, C. (1986)

Zonizzazione di una rete Autostradale in Categorie di Rischo nei Riguardi di Movimenti Franosi

16th Italian National Symposium on Geotechnics, Vol. 3: 211-216, Bologna, Italien

Marell, D. (1986)

Höheres Rotliegendes in der Wetterau. Gliederung und Sedimentologie

Geol. Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 114, S. 227-248, Wiesbaden

Munk, C., Pickel, H.-J. (1986)

Abdichtung von Brunnen und Fassungsbauwerken im Hinblick auf den Status „natürliches Mineralwasser“

Der Mineralbrunnen, Ausgabe 36, Heft 3: S. 38-41, Bonn-Bad Godesberg

Pickel, H.-J. (1986)

Brüche bieten beste Chancen – Der Trockenbohrer stößt zum Nass vor: Nur ein technisch einwandfreies Bauwerk garantiert Reinheit

Rheinischer Merkur, Merkur-Extra, Ausgabe 39, Bonn


Munk, C., Prinz, G., Zankl, H. (1985)

Vergleichende Gefügeuntersuchungen für den Tunnelbau im Buntsandstein: Heitfeld, K. H. (Hrsg.): Ingenieurgeologische Probleme im Grenzbereich zwischen Locker- und Festgesteinen

Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg

Pickel, H.-J. (1985)

Hydrogeologische Gedanken zur neuen Mineral- und Tafelwasser-Verordnung

Brunnenbau, Bau von Wasserwerken, Rohrleitungsbau 36. Jg., Heft 4, Köln

Bendler, D., Hennig, L., Hofmann, J., Haeßner, R., Mann, G. (1985)

Azomethin-, Azo- und Methinfarbstoffe von 5-Hydroxy-, 5-Amino- und 5-Thiolo-3-methyl-1-phenylpyrazol

Zeitschrift für Chemie, Vol. 25, Issue 11, Leipzig

Knüpfer, J., Simons, H., (1985)

Abdichtungssysteme für Mülldeponien, Umwelteinflüsse von Abfalldeponien und Sondermüllbeseitigung. 8. Mülltechnische Seminar

Berichte aus Wassergütewirtschaft und Gesundheitsingenieurwesen 58. Jg., S. 103-126, TU München

Meseck, H., Knüpfer, J. (1985)

Gegenwärtiger Erkenntnisstand über die mögliche Anwendung von Behälterdeponien für Sonderabfälle

Müll und Abfall Jg. 17, Heft 11: 378-384, Berlin

Meseck, H., Knüpfer, J. (1985)

Neue Technologien zur Abdichtung von Deponien und zur Sanierung von Altlasten

Mitteilung des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Heft 17, S. 243, Braunschweig

Behbehani, A. R., Chrondrogianni, C., Müller, J., Niessen, F., Schmidt, H., Schmidt, R., Schneider, J., Schröder, H.-G., Stackenbrock, I., Sturm, M., Windolph, H. (1985)

Sediments and Sedimentary History of Lake Attersee (Salzkammergut, Austria) – in: Danielopol, D. et al. (Hrsg.): Contributions to the Paleolimnology of the Trumer lakes (Salzburg) and the lakes Mondsee, Attersee and Traunsee (Upper Austria)

Österr. Akad. Wissenschaften, Mondsee, Österreich

Behbehani, A. R., Handl, M., Horsthemke, E., Schmidt, R., Schneider, J. (1985)

Possible lake fluctuations within the Mondsee and Attersee – in: Danielopol, D. et al. (Hrsg.): Contributions to the Paleolimnology of the Trumer lakes (Salzburg) and the lakes Mondsee, Attersee and Traunsee (Upper Austria)

Österr. Akad. Wissenschaften, Mondsee, Österreich

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