Because today we already think about tomorrow
For the Environment. For the People.
Since 1948, HPC AG has made it possible to realize bold plans: from the remediation of polluted soils and the construction of mineral water wells to the preparation of high-quality subsoil reports – always keeping sustainability in mind, we develop solutions for land recycling in environmental consulting and infrastructure planning as an engineering company. We work interdisciplinary, internationally and with engineering accuracy.
To keep our finger on the pulse, we also rely on a network of many specialized sites – in Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Poland and Spain. As a founding member of INOGEN ALLIANCE, the global network of outstanding environmental consulting companies, we also work on international projects.
News from the German Brownfield Association
Site development companies and real estate companies increasingly need a good ESG ranking for their construction projects.
The colleagues at HPC INTERNATIONAL can issue the necessary brownfield certificates so that these can be claimed as ESG-effective in the context of land recycling. They are now recognized as part of the DEBV “Pro-Brownfield Program” of the German Brownfield Association.
New PFAS-Management-Guideline
The SFSE (Society for Health & Environment of all French-speaking countries) published the new PFAS management guideline in 14 topic sheets on its website (23 Nov. 2023).
HPC INTERNATIONAL is represented by co-authors: Dr. Frank Karg, Lucie Robin-Vigneron und Stéphanie Le Bonniec.
HPC in action
The vision for Kesslergrube: Germany’s ambitious remediation of a polluted area
Ambitious remediation of a polluted area instead of “out of sight, out of mind”. HPC AG is thoroughly remediating a pit filled with chemical and pharmaceutical waste, among other things, using state-of-the-art equipment for the Swiss-based Roche Holding AG. Excavating an average of 600 tonnes per day, and filling a total of 15,000 containers in a very confined space at a depth of 13 metres right next to a river – HPC AG, the general planner and construction manager, has shown that this is possible.
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In unserem Webinar erläutern wir die kombinierte Anwendung verschiedener Methoden zum Nachweis des In-situ-Schadstoffabbaus zur Bestimmung aussagekräftiger Parameter für den natürlichen Schadstoffabbau (z. B. Mineralisierungsraten, In-situ-Abbaugeschwindigkeitskonstanten, Abbaupotenzial) anhand von Praxisbeispielen.