Site Supervision
Overseeing. Documenting. Safeguarding.
Contaminated building debris needs to be monitored and managed on-site. This is essential for large quantities. We will oversee the occupational safety aspects. We ensure compliance with waste requirements. We eliminate unnecessary costs with the expertise and experience from thousands of construction sites.
- Disposal related site supervision
- Oversee occupational safety
- Categorization
- Evaluations and preparation of documentation
Our Services
- Preparation of tender documentation
- Monitoring and overseeing building works
- Safety-health coordination in accordance with Schedule II of the German Construction Site ordinance
- H&S-plans und H&S-coordination (pursuant to former BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe) [Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources]128 and current DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzlche Unfallversicherung) [German statutory accident insurance]101-004))
- Declaration studies of soil material and building material pursuant to the Landfill Ordinance (Deponieverordnung (DepV)) and country specific regulations
- Specialist knowledge and skills according to LAGA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall) [Regional Waste Institute] PN 98 und DepV
- Preparation of documentation by experts
- Providing reports and assessments
Your Benefits
- The avoidance of surprise occurrences and idle time during construction
- Coordination between authorities and support by expert consultants
- Planning security and risk reduction (optimum progress on site)
- Legal and cost security
- High quality and reliable data bases
- Years of experience and local knowledge with successful and sustainable landscape design
- Regional networking
- Interdisciplinary services from one provider