Waste Management
Landfills. Building Materials. Waste.
Many obstacles make the disposal of building materials and waste difficult. We will advise you on environmental research, recycling and disposal concepts pursuant to technical and economic criteria. We will co-ordinate the interfaces between all involved parties for you.
Waste Declaration Investigations
Planning. Disposing. Economising.
Recycling and waste disposal often requires sampling and analytical studies. A simple separation of building substances lowers expenses. We investigate waste materials and the soil conditions before commencing construction. We sample materials to be disposed of and provide the appropriate material categorization declarations. We know the regional requirements for disposal regulations.
- Planning of sampling
- Gathering samples
- Carrying out laboratory analysis
- Evaluate study results and categorize debris
- Documenting samples and results
Our Services
- Categorization concepts
- Sampling and categorization investigations of soil material and construction debris pursuant to the Landfill Ordinance (Deponieverordnung (DepV)) and country/province specific regulations
- Specialist knowledge and skills pursuant to LAGA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall) [Regional Waste Institute] PN 98 und DepV
Your Benefits
- Avoiding surprises and idle time during demolition
- Coordination with authorities and expert advice
- Planning security and risk reduction (optimum progress on site)
- Legal and cost security
- High quality and reliable databases
- Years of experience and local knowledge with successful and sustainable landscape design
- Regional network
- Interdisciplinary services from one provider
Waste Disposal Strategy
Determine. Assess. Coordinate.
Both on-site storage capacities and available time are often scarce. We determine the different qualities of debris and soil as well as the different waste categories in advance. We arrange approval of intermediate storage areas, disposal and recycling paths and develop disposal concepts based on the investigation results and evaluation. A complete disposal concept ensures proper site planning and reduces costs.
- Carrying out preliminary studies
- Planning sampling
- Gathering samples
- Arranging laboratory analysis
- Evaluate study results and categorize debris and soil
- Coordinate and develop disposal concepts
Our Services
- Categorization concepts
- Sampling and categorization of soil material and building debris according to the Landfill Ordinance (Deponieverordnung (DepV)) and country specific regulations
- Specialist knowledge and skills pursuant to LAGA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall) [Regional Waste Institute] PN 98 und DepV
- Disposal concept including permit management
Your Benefits
- Avoiding surprises and idle time during construction
- Coordination with authorities and expert advice
- Planning security and risk reduction (optimum progress on site)
- Legal and cost security
- High quality and reliable databases
- Years of experience and local knowledge in successful and sustainable landscape design
- Regional networking
- Interdisciplinary services from one provider
Site Supervision
Overseeing. Documenting. Safeguarding.
Contaminated building debris needs to be monitored and managed on-site. This is essential for large quantities. We will oversee the occupational safety aspects. We ensure compliance with waste requirements. We eliminate unnecessary costs with the expertise and experience from thousands of construction sites.
- Disposal related site supervision
- Oversee occupational safety
- Categorization
- Evaluations and preparation of documentation
Our Services
- Preparation of tender documentation
- Monitoring and overseeing building works
- Safety-health coordination in accordance with Schedule II of the German Construction Site ordinance
- H&S-plans und H&S-coordination (pursuant to former BGR (< i>Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe) [Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources]128 and current DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzlche Unfallversicherung) [German statutory accident insurance]101-004))
- Declaration studies of soil material and building material pursuant to the Landfill Ordinance (Deponieverordnung (DepV)) and country specific regulations
- Specialist knowledge and skills according to LAGA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall) [Regional Waste Institute] PN 98 und DepV
- Preparation of documentation by experts
- Providing reports and assessments
Your Benefits
- The avoidance of surprise occurrences and idle time during construction
- Coordination between authorities and support by expert consultants
- Planning security and risk reduction (optimum progress on site)
- Legal and cost security
- High quality and reliable data bases
- Years of experience and local knowledge with successful and sustainable landscape design
- Regional networking
- Interdisciplinary services from one provider
Landfill Technology
Investigation. Regenerating. Overseeing.
Even with successful methods of waste recycling, landfills will still be required in the future. Waste and residual waste fractions are still classified on an economic and ecological basis from I to III. Industrial waste can be deposited on lower landfill classes depending on the pollutant content. We can help you to extend existing landfill sites and set up new ones.
- Establishment of feasibility studies for landfill projects and landfill extensions
- Looking for new landfill sites
- Studying of leakages
- Optimising landfill areas
- Renewing and extending authorisation
- Closure of landfills and development of aftercare concepts
- Developing new utilisation concepts
- Utilisation of sites for alternative energy such as photovoltaics, wind, biogas and gas extraction
Our Services
- Fieldwork drilling, gas measurement, sampling
- Soil mechanics material suitability
- Geological modelling
- Hydrogeological modelling
- Seepage water prognosis
- Approval procedures BImSchV
- Planning new construction project phases 1-9
- Planning coverage and sealing measures project phases 1-9
- Quality management during delivery of fill materials
- Planning the logistics of the recycling area and delivery area
- Construction supervision
Your Benefits
- Expert assistance
- Planning security and risk minimisation
- Legal and cost security
- High quality and reliable databases
- Years of experience and local knowledge
- Regional networking
- Interdisciplinary services from one provider